That's not how ArmA 2 works.
Zombies are based on Civilian models, Survivors and Bandits are BOTH based on the PMC (Private Military Corporation) lite models that were part of the ArmA 2, 1.62 patch for MP compatibility.
Civilians are non hostile and PMC is on the BluFor side (West). Normal OpFor (East) are the enemies. If Rocket had based the Zombies on OpFor models... Russian soldiers... There would be no problem with Survivors and Bandits opening fire on the Zombies because they would be considered normal enemies by ArmA 2 standards.
However, this is not how the game is coded. So, this is why Survivors & Bandits do not see Zombies a.k.a. Civilians as threats.
There are ways to make the AI see Zombies a.k.a. Civilians as threats, but it's not 100% stable and not something the game is meant to do on a regular basis.
ArmA 2 is a military simulation and soldiers are trained never to fire on Civilians unless fired upon... And the Zombies don't even use weapons to attack, either!
Also, from a technical standpoint, if you allow AI to fire on "Civilians" they will start shooting things other than just Zombies because a lot of the objects in the game world are considered part of the Civilian class (side) e.g. Houses, Road signs, barricades, etc.
So, you can hopefully see what the main problem is when it comes to how the sides are set up in DayZ.
Bottom line: Human players know the Zombies are the enemy, the AI Bandits & Survivors don't.
Also, Zombies will NEVER attack AI because they are not programmed to. This would require a re-coding of the mod and is not something Rocket is concerned with since it is an MP game, primarily.