I was playing through Olive's wasteland, and I stopped to look at one of the gun salesman ... I belive in arma2 , it' s the "Warlord" skin on , kinda camo with a brimmed hat. I have no idea what it is in DAyZ ... if it was changed at all.
Anyways, I was eyeballing it ... and it got me to thinking ... If some things were reskinned , ... it wouldn't be all that hard to put together a viable "wild west" theme'd mod for arma2 ... That is, if you know how to mod in the first place, of such I do not. I seen a few forum post, where there was some half-hearted attempt to make a Wild-West theme'd play , but years and years old, and of course never released, never finished ... I seen mention of arma3 WW mod, but wasn't anything solid that popped up via google ... I can kinda forsee ... less "survival" in the traditional sense , but a new "mod" that would open the doors to ... some different things for arma2, as well as provide a "platform" that encompasses ( or could) several desirable "play-styles". Pve/SP ... there's always "banditos" to thwart , town to protect, bounties to fill ... or even "reverse" of that. PvP ... you could "sandbox it" , do a extensive or "light rp" ... what ever the "flavor" enjoyed there. We all know the WW was a big backdrop to gun-fighting after-all. So much could be "done" , untapped territory persay ... it's hard to simply list all the types of play/game-modes that such a mod would open up. I'm talking old west bank robberies, claim jumping, gold mining, train robberies, stage coach hold ups, cattle rustling, ... Lawmen tracking down ruthless killers and gangs ... Like I said, so much ... could be done, I'm not even thinking of everything ... Combat ... the main "idea" would be to limit weaponry to shorter ranged devices. Mostly pistol/shotgun ranges. Some rarerish exceptions like winchester/repeaters ... Grenades replaced with fuse lite "dynamite" sticks ... But way less of the 300m or more "combat" , bringing everything more akin to the realistic shorter range of combat, and revolver pistols were the "normality" to have and carry around. Not sure how to get working horses , rideable ... but a good modder could I bet. "back-packs" replaced with saddlebags, period looking nap-sacks, ect. It was just a thought ... but one that would be kinda neat to experiment with I think. |
So I posted and did more searching for WW theme ... came across "dusty roads" mod for arma3 ...
So far, it looks good, seems to have been exactly what was looking for ... Digging farther in, I notice monetization effort to buy " cosmetic changes" such as skins, horse looks, own "gang colors" ... and doesn't look like content will be released for just anyone to use the mod or run thier own servers ... WTF is wrong with these people? It's Origins/Dayz Standalone all over again ... ![]() |
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I absolutely despise WW2 era games.
I play airsoft combat simulation/milsims in real life, our airsoft is also plagued with ww2 era/early cold war stuff. I don't know why, they just turn my stomach. I thought a "western" like environment would be semi good in arma2, if one could extract mod components from other mods and make em work. One of the "problems" we face in Arma2 ( and I assume Arma3 ) is the "distance" range of AI and players when using rifles. I even noticed when I had a buddy AI or a Dog , they could detect enemies behind buildings/vehicles ... calling out position , even though there was no line of sight. Getting shots from a "pixel" at 500M or more , isn't very nice either. I believe one reason why DayZ mod/Zombie mods were "popular" is because zombies are at much closer ranges and threat range. Since the Wild West was mostly pistol/shotgun use, I figured that put perspective range use back into the game ( under 200M). I played around with ACE some more ... again, it's one of those mods I like many features of, but others not so much, and is more suited for multi-player environment I suppose. It's not "bad" , just ... like most mods , I find a few things a tad too overly complicated, or things simply do not work for how I needed them to at the time. ( like arming civilians in Ace2 , isn't as easy as arming west/east troops. ) |
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