Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]

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Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]

Hi all :)

I'm currently adding different vehicles to Daizy Factions The only thing I am changing is the vehicle type (eg- replacing hilux with uaz. . .)

For some reason vehicles I add into the game have the autorepair glitch.

In other words the first time I get into the vehicle all the parts are red, but after that the vehicle slowly auto repairs itself O.o

I also tried to repair a vehicle after I had gotten into it (eg- add a tyre) but the individual parts (wheel, glass etc) do not show up when I scroll. I just get 'get into vehicle' and 'gear' interactions.

Any idea how to solve this one guys?

Maybe Haleks can help with this one as he is the creator of factions
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Re: Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]


I think I've solved it. I think I have to add the new vehicles into the VehiclesetDamage file right?

Just one question, how do I find the vehicle names (Eg - 'Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1') to add into this?
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Re: Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]

danielcaruanasmith wrote

I think I've solved it. I think I have to add the new vehicles into the VehiclesetDamage file right?

Just one question, how do I find the vehicle names (Eg - 'Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1') to add into this?
You can find vehicles names here.
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Re: Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]

Thanks Ray, partly solved the prob :)

I also want to put in some vehicles from mods (Eg Sigma). How do I find the names for those?
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Re: Vehicles Auto-repair [Haleks]


I used

hint format["%1",(typeOf  this)]; copyToClipboard format["%1",(typeOf  this)];  

to get the classnames.

Thanks all :)