This is a huge one, incorporating smookie's light animation pack.

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This is a huge one, incorporating smookie's light animation pack.


This IMO is a no-brainer, I understand DayZ kind of messes with the anims, but I've grown quite partial to using with default arma.

With Smookie's light animation pack there is also a feature to "vault" over fence size objects whilst running using the "step over" key.

Its horrendously useful and I was quite sad to see that it doesn't normally work in DayZ for whatever reason.
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Re: This is a huge one, incorporating smookie's light animation pack.

I've been using it in DaiZy since, well, DaiZy was started.
I don't recall these supposed 'issues', I haven't encountered any problems with it yet.

If you want it, run it alongside DaiZy.

We CANNOT and WILL NOT incorporate it by default into DaiZy. Not only will we be stealing someone else's work, but we'd be screwing those people who do not want SMK over.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: This is a huge one, incorporating smookie's light animation pack.

Niceonegunit wrote
I've been using it in DaiZy since, well, DaiZy was started.
I don't recall these supposed 'issues', I haven't encountered any problems with it yet.

If you want it, run it alongside DaiZy.

We CANNOT and WILL NOT incorporate it by default into DaiZy. Not only will we be stealing someone else's work, but we'd be screwing those people who do not want SMK over.
I agree on this post, I got some mod missions where I have modded-in guns spawning. But apart from those, I want it as retail-like I can. Especially because people can just download and use most addons themselves. Excluding having the weapons spawn from mods.