The ability to "Setup" the game as you see fit

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The ability to "Setup" the game as you see fit

It would be cool if this could be added to some of the maps before start
Something like this would give the play more freedom to play how they want too, for example you could choose the amount of vehicles, zombies, bandits, or survivors that spawn. or you could choose your starting gear based off of premade loadouts.
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Re: The ability to "Setup" the game as you see fit

This looks cool, would love that to. Also the main futures aswell, would like to fight patrols etc
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Re: The ability to "Setup" the game as you see fit

In reply to this post by Matsuda_sempai
Flashpoint is seriously my favorite scripty/mission thing for Arma 2.

Coming in a close second is Escape from Chernarus.

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Re: The ability to "Setup" the game as you see fit

I was playing dynamic zombie sandbox and what I liked the most was the ability to setup the server.