Temperature, units and Zed

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Temperature, units and Zed

Snuggly Overlord
Hello all.
I have been editing several mods (most notable BreakingPointSP) for my own personal enjoyment.

Now, is there anyway of making part of Chernaraus cold, for example the hills up north, but keeping the coast relatively the same?

And, when I try spawn unit's in via the editor, they don't actually show up where I placed them, they don't show up at all is there any way (sure there is) of changing this?.

Last thing, is there anyway off stopping zed spawning in a certain area? Because my "safe zone" is full of zombies wanting to kill me in their strange Dayz/Daizy ways.

Any help would be thanked
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Re: Temperature, units and Zed

Snuggly Overlord
Actually, now that I think about it.
Is it possible to add Blood Suckers and other "scary" zombies in?
I mean, I have killed millions of basic zombies, but I need a change.
So, do you think there is a way? Maybe also add warm clothes if  you can change the temperature?
Again, thanks for any help
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Re: Temperature, units and Zed

In reply to this post by Snuggly Overlord
Snuggly Overlord wrote
And, when I try spawn unit's in via the editor, they don't actually show up where I placed them, they don't show up at all is there any way (sure there is) of changing this?.
Something in the DayZ code prevent them from showing up in game - I don't know what file exactly.
If you want more units, you will have to spawn them via a trigger or a script of your own.
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Re: Temperature, units and Zed

The heat/cold system should already depend on altitude.

However, I don't think you can make specific areas cold or hot.