Team mate problem

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Team mate problem

Friendly AI randomly stop firing at zombies for no reason and then don't open fire for rest of game. Even though when they are first joined into your group they open fire on the zeds on sight.

Sorry for bad typos if any.
English isn't my first language

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Re: Team mate problem

Its because they are out of ammo. I recently installed Daizy too. I notice they stop firing and sometimes they say "I'm out".

I am searching the forum for this exact reason. I need to interact with them, give them ammo, use a bloodbag on them, but I'm having no luck.

PS: Love how you don't need to register on this forum. Hate it when they force you to register.
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Re: Team mate problem

There are a few script's which enable the AI re-arming incase they are near a place where they can get ammo/weapons. And you can't give blood transfusion to bots, since they dont use the same health system as your character does, they do brake bones though, but thats already in ArmA 2 itself.