Sorry I have to ask about Epoch ...

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Sorry I have to ask about Epoch ...

So, I was digging around my epoch server files ... 1.5.1 version ...

I noticed, it has instances/files for every map/island included.
Some I've never heard of ...

However,  some made me pause and ask "WTF"? ...

Can you all imagine playing multi-player on a small map, like Proving Grounds?  What does PG have? A gas station, general store, few wrecks and two maybe 3 barns?
 I mean ... I simply cannot fathom not having many places to loot, plus adding in Traders for Epoch, and playing with 10 people online on such a map, much less full blown full server.  
 Bases would be neighbors for sure  hahaha!

 While I appreciate time was taken to include other maps ... at the same time , I feel that was time not spent productively on small maps like Proving Grounds, Utes, Zargabd, that Shapur map ... , Zargabad isn't all that bad of a map, even being "smaller" , it's at least got a lot of content in it. Poorly laid out content, but a lot at least.
 I really had to scratch my head when I seen Proving Grounds though.  I was like ...
"What? How would you play on PG map???? Effectively???"

Even so ... now for some strange odd reason, I really want to see it on a server, and see how it'd play out.  It's so mind boggling ... I just gotta know now!