Respawn issues

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Respawn issues

Hi everyone,
i seem to have hit a wall playing Daizy factions 3.0.2 "walking Zeds".
while playing i found heaps loot,started building a base and the bandits attracting zombies and it was great. although little by little the zeds and loot started to disappear, now only very loot is available and sleeping in tent does not work, i have also waited an hour to no avail but bandits still spawn.

Is there some cheat/option or method available to restart the spawns, example: an option to restart  re-spawn, save, reload and voila spawns reinitialized till they stop again.

It really sucks because i have a Zombie itch the only Daizy can scratch, I've tried 2017/2018/DayOfSurvival but prefer Factions.


"Sorry i posted this message in two different topics"
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Re: Respawn issues

Eric the Viking
Hi Regin.

The issues you mention are known problems with Daizy factions 3.0.2

Haleks wrote
IMPORTANT NOTE : Factions 3.0.2 has some stability issues regarding zeds & loot spawns.
Until the 3.0.3 update is ready, I strongly recommend trying DaiZy 2018 instead. Compared to Factions 3.0.2, it includes countless fixes and is much more stable!
I'm not sure if there are any plans to determine the problem or a solution or even if it's possible.
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Re: Respawn issues

Well that sucks, hopefully 3.0.3 takes care of the problem since i'm not fond of other Daizy mods.

Cheers mate.
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Re: Respawn issues

Eric the Viking
If you haven't tried it, I'd recommend Oliv82's DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v8.9

It's very polished and provides a great experience. Also, in my experience, many of the earlier Daizy releases seem to work better, like this one.