Requests for modders

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Requests for modders

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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Re: Requests for modders

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Hi Rachel sry for the delay, i was checking all the forums :p
In my Namalsk mod: "ObjectA2_poi.sqf" (end lines)
This is an example to use "say3D" command:

_radio = "Radio" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_radio setDir 101;
_radio setPosASL [4994.61,6620.93,29.1703];
_snd = "";
while {alive _radio} do {
        if (nam_inBunker) then {
                _rdm = random 100;
                switch (1==1) do {
                        case (_rdm > 96): {_snd = "radio_music_piano_static"};
                        case (_rdm > 88 && _rdm <= 96): {_snd = "radio_transmission_russian"};
                        case (_rdm > 64 && _rdm <= 88): {_snd = "radio_no_signal"};
                        default {_snd = "radio_static"};
                [_radio,player] say3D [_snd,0,1];
        if (_snd == "radio_music_piano_static" || _snd == "radio_transmission_russian") then {
                sleep 100;
        sleep 60 + round(random 60);

I suggest to use "setPosATL" if you want to place you "radio" object verticaly of the ground
Or use "setPos" to follow normal 3d of the ground
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Re: Requests for modders

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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Re: Requests for modders

Im not sure to understand well what you mean, Google translator work weird :)
My english isnt very good as you can see but I can help you for scripting...
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Re: Requests for modders

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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