Hi Rachel sry for the delay, i was checking all the forums :p
In my Namalsk mod: "ObjectA2_poi.sqf" (end lines)
This is an example to use "say3D" command:
_radio = "Radio" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_radio setDir 101;
_radio setPosASL [4994.61,6620.93,29.1703];
_snd = "";
while {alive _radio} do {
if (nam_inBunker) then {
_rdm = random 100;
switch (1==1) do {
case (_rdm > 96): {_snd = "radio_music_piano_static"};
case (_rdm > 88 && _rdm <= 96): {_snd = "radio_transmission_russian"};
case (_rdm > 64 && _rdm <= 88): {_snd = "radio_no_signal"};
default {_snd = "radio_static"};
[_radio,player] say3D [_snd,0,1];
if (_snd == "radio_music_piano_static" || _snd == "radio_transmission_russian") then {
sleep 100;
sleep 60 + round(random 60);
I suggest to use "setPosATL" if you want to place you "radio" object verticaly of the ground
Or use "setPos" to follow normal 3d of the ground
Im not sure to understand well what you mean, Google translator work weird :)
My english isnt very good as you can see but I can help you for scripting...