Reduced / Deactivated AI?

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Reduced / Deactivated AI?

Hello there.
I was playing a bit daizy with the standard chernarus release and I'm not really a huge fan of the AI.
Zombies ignoring them, they are spawning way too close to you, there are way too much of them and they have always a weapon and the biggest backpack and they do nothing else than shooting each other or the player.

So, is there an unofficial release with reduced or maybe even completely deactivated AIs or is there a way I can deactivate them by myself? I had a look into the unofficial daizy releases but this was just more confusing than helping ...
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Re: Reduced / Deactivated AI?

In our releases there is one called Factions which changes the way the AI works. They target zombies in a much better way and react to each other in a more sensible manner.

There are also several versions that have variants with no AI units at all. Here's one:

There are limitations to what can be done with the AI due to the way that Rocket chose to program DayZ. The Factions version rewrites how the game regards units, so it operates in a batter way in my opinion.
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Re: Reduced / Deactivated AI?

Thank you, I'll give it a try.