Hi all
my computer is really bad but I've been playing DaiZy for several years without problems.
Recently I have randomly ctd.
I think it is heating the CPU or the graphics card. Here, where I live has started getting hot, summer is near.
I recently change the processor of a 2.8MHz to 3.2MHz and began the CTD. I again put the 2.8 but CTD continue
I changed the CPU fan and I've also put an additional rear fan graphics card but still CTD.
I tested also Iron Front: Liberation 1944 and also gives me CTD but
All other games work fine without problems. only Arma2 OA Dayz and Iron Front: Liberation 1944 crash to desktop.
I have looked at many forums but I can not find the solution.
I have installed and reinstalled the game but still the same CTD at 10 min, 20 min or 30 min. crash
Before playing 3-4 hours without problems.
it could be anything...could be a Betapach or wrong BattlEye? Any suggestions?..I can not buy another computer
