Readers lives

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Readers lives

In the comments attached to the blog article, a number of people posted stories from their game. As I've got to keep the comments trimmed down to a level below 200 (or the comments system goes a bit wonky), I've pasted them below. I allow anonymous comments on the blog, so most of them are credited to "Anonymous". Please feel free to add your own stories.

Mr. 'funny'
I first encountered a group of survivors standing in north-west cherno, walked away, heard a massive gun battle erupt, was chased by bandits, hide in a forest, I ambushed 2 bandits (whom called for backup just before eating a slug to the face), hid in a gas station, got flanked by two more bandits, broke my leg in the battle, but walked out victorious. This all took place about an hour after I started.

I had a similar experience, I finally got all the pieces to put a helicopter together after a couple of hours, and I get shot down on the way to the airfield. Luckily i was not far off the ground so only suffered from broken legs, bleeding and loss of hearing. I was able to patch myself up as the helicopter exploded. I got the NW Airfield with only a few bullets in my weapon, and was eventually overrun by military zombies as I ran out of ammo, this was due to searching for that perfect silenced weapon.

I actually found a whole clip, but no Stannag SD yet, I died while attempting to evade the zombie horde. The sun came up as I was exploring the airfield which made it very hard to search.

I usually set my game time to evening (just before dusk), night time, early morning, A script that does this automatically and not manually would be really nice. as it would give players an even bigger sense of dread as they know its getting dark, or the sun is coming up soon...

Now that is an adventure...

The bandits do take a while to appear, I hear gunfire in town, in the wilderness, even while airborne.

I finally found some nv googles on a bandit that tried to kill me through the window. Thats some aim hes got, I was unconscious for about 45 seconds, I just had enough health to bandage myself up and stay awake then I got the hell out of there, his buddy was round the corner...brrr run...!

I have not seen anything in flight in the air, however I wasnt actually paying attention to the sky, so ill keep looking....

I got the fright of my life when a chicken came running round the corner and it clucked at me at me, while I lay in the grass watching zombies go

lmao, I remember sitting in a field once at night and my flashlight caught a cow walking right in front of me. The bastard made me jump outta my seat lol. First time I had seen a cow in the game.

I too have heard helicopter sounds off in the distance but have not seen one in the air. I have also found a crashed Heli north of Stary with a lone un-armed bandit running around in the field around it. I assumed he was the ejected pilot and popped him, find nothing on his body. (usually they have FN/M4, 8 mags, 2 grenades, NV, binoculars).

Twice now I have flown over Stary and both times have encountered other flying choppers. One landed so I landed, got out and BAM! got creamed by bandits - great stuff! I am now much more careful where and when i land. K
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Re: Readers lives

Mr. 'funny'
Thank you very much for this page :)

I'll write out some horror stories later. I'm too drunk to type more.
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Re: Readers lives

Mr. 'funny'
In reply to this post by kodabar
Memoirs of a Survivor

Driving down a desolate free-way with nothing to do but burn gas, I spotted a yellow Ural parked next to an abandoned warehouse. Investigating the truck yielded no fortune. It was beyond immediate repair and needed fuel. Grabbing a few spare parts from my UAZ I repaired a couple wheels and not before long I was heading north on the highway again.

Making camp just off the highway in the woods for the night, I enjoyed a bland steak and Coke-a-cola while listening to the faint hum of a helicopter patrolling the night sky.

I climbed out of my tent just a little after dawn and began my road trip to the coast. The plan was to collect and gather as many spare parts for vehicles so I could get that Ural I found up and running. Everything went smoothly, until I entered Cherno.

I was almost sure that bandits had some time of safehouse in the factory district so I took back-roads through the woods until I ended up on the east end of town. Turning off the main road and into the woods, I speed up to clear the upcoming railway. I must have hit it too fast and on an angle because next thing I knew I was hanging upside down with broken glass in my face. Climbing out of the wreckage, I surveyed my surroundings. Several zombies could be seen wondering in a nearby field and were slowly limping in my direction.

Darting into the bushes, I considered my options. I was miles from my camp. My second option was to forego my Ural repairs and use the parts I had found on a closer vehicle. Walking back was out of the question. I had plenty of daylight to find a car, get it working, and get back to camp.

That's when it happened. I thought I was in the clear to run, but those zeds got some hearing. One chased me through the woods for a minute or two before I took a stand and drew my pistol. Bad idea. He made solid contact with my face and rendered me unconscious. Bleeding out on the ground, the bastard began gnawing on my leg, chewing to the bone. Struggling to my feet, I finally managed to draw my pistol and fired. With no time to waste I bandaged my wounds and began crawling my ass back to my useless UAZ hoping that I had left some morphine in the trunk. Nothing was to be found.

Encroaching zeds continued their sombre trudge towards me as I propped myself against the UAZ and reloaded my pistol. Only three rounds left.  

God have mercy.


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Re: Readers lives

I was sent a story by another player named Aiden. Although it's from multiplayer, I think it's worth repeating here:

I was playing with my brother and we went to the barn just outside Electro and right when we got there we heard a car. It was 3 other players who all had beast guns and good equipment. My brother said to me we could take them on. I was juggling the DayZ voice channel as well as the one I had with my brother. So I accidentally said to the Spec Ops guys, "Take who on?". They instantly shot me and my brother, we lost all of the gear we worked so hard to find.
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Re: Readers lives

Ha ha, that story is so sad, but so damn funny at the same time!
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Readers lives

In reply to this post by kodabar
what dayz sp mod was this in?
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Re: Readers lives

In reply to this post by Mr. 'funny'
what mod is this in?
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Re: Readers lives

Mr. 'funny'
I think I was playing 38b when that happened.