Hey, Iowa, this seems like a great project so far. I'd love to help in any way I can, so if you want to add me on Skype, I'd help as much as I could :3
Skype: daniel.perez897
P.S. I'm pretty sure you don't need to make a new mission file for Podagorsk. If what someone told me a while back is true, this means you can just take the working Chernarus mission and change the map name. For example, say your current working DayZero mission is "DaiZyeroTEST1.chernarus.pbo". Instead, change it to "DaiZyeroTEST1.podagorsk.pbo". Apparently Chernarus and Podagorsk have the same loot spawns and stuff, so that should transfer all the loot and crap. But you'd still need to add AI spawn locations and the new building loot. Oh, and vehicle spawns :p
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.