[REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

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[REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Are the files publicly available?

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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

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I have created a DayZero SP version of Chenarus, but there is no AI at the moment. I'm working on getting it to Podagorsk though.

EDIT: I've created a mission of DayZero Podagorsk, testing it now
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Sweet!  Keep us updated.
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

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In reply to this post by dave616
Just tried countless times on trying to merge two missions together (E.G A DaiZy FACTIONS Map with AI to the Podagorsk map. It didn't work...

I have still got the DayZero Single Player though in Chernarus, it's pretty sweet, but still no AI :S

EDIT: Added AI, but no Zombies spawning. Gonna try and find a way to add them through the Editor and make them aggressive as I know that they will act like animals if you add them in through the Editor (They won't attack)
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

This is great, please keep at it!

I wish I could do this sort of stuff, but I cant. :(
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

I'm still struggling adding it to Podagorsk, but I have a nice version of DayZero Chernarus with AI this time, fully working too.

I'm going to be out most of tomorrow, but I'll have some time in the evening so I'll try then.

AI Pic:

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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Well done, keep at it m8!  

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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Thanks very much! Putting a lot of the time I do have into this atm.

I need to learn how to "edit" the DayZ code so I can add custom loot spawns in the new buildings (There are currently no medical supplies in the hospitals and no "common loot" in the new enter-able buildings) Found a tutorial on that and I'll be looking into it tomorrow.
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

A Hobo Panda
Hey, Iowa, this seems like a great project so far. I'd love to help in any way I can, so if you want to add me on Skype, I'd help as much as I could :3
Skype: daniel.perez897
P.S. I'm pretty sure you don't need to make a new mission file for Podagorsk. If what someone told me a while back is true, this means you can just take the working Chernarus mission and change the map name. For example, say your current working DayZero mission is "DaiZyeroTEST1.chernarus.pbo". Instead, change it to "DaiZyeroTEST1.podagorsk.pbo". Apparently Chernarus and Podagorsk have the same loot spawns and stuff, so that should transfer all the loot and crap. But you'd still need to add AI spawn locations and the new building loot. Oh, and vehicle spawns :p
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

This post was updated on .
Hey :)

I believe I tried that once, but changed it to .FDF_Isle1_a and I don't think it worked. Although I'll be sure to try again now and post back with the results.

I'll add you on Skype too :)

EDIT: It worked! It's loaded as Podagorsk now. I'll test it and see if loot spawns in a bit. Thanks for the reminder, you've saved me a lot of time! :)

EDIT II: Loot spawns work. Gonna add AI and Vehicle Spawns now (gotta learn how to first)
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

 Do you have weapon attachments working in the SP version? And if so, could I possibly get a release of what you have now? Looking to do some videos on Podagorsk and don't need the AI/Vehicles currently. Thanks in advance!
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?


How is it going m8?  Everyone must be playing the new v2.0 of BPSP 'cos it's gone very quiet!
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?


I've recently been swamped over working on stuff IRL so I haven't got much time to play DayZ/make the mod at the moment, but I'll hopefully take a break over the weekend so I'll work on it then, it's looking good though, and it's going to be good when it comes out. Hopefully before Sept. 17th (GTA V release) because I know for a fact I'll be playing that non-stop for a looong time :)

If it's not out before then, I'll hand it over someone who can do the finishing touches for the mod. In the meantime, if you want I can send you the files for the Survivor/Bandit skins over email/skype so it'll give you a hint of what it's like. :)

I just need to collect all the files for those skins as it requires a load of .pbos which make them work (IDK how it works) and put them in a .zip file or something.

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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Any updates?
I'm a toast. Deal with it.
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

I can confirm that this project has been cancelled due to the release of GTA V and BP v2.3. It looks so cool! :D
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Re: [REQ] Dayz Podagorsk?

Ok, have fun with GTA V dude, I'll wait until it comes out for PC!
I'm a toast. Deal with it.