Problem of a German to Install DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.6

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Problem of a German to Install DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.6

Hey i´m new at this forum, i´d like to install this Singleplayer mission DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.6 but i dont get it :(

I read the instructions but i must make a mistake, i get the error message, that there ist content missing?


1. Download and install DayZ Commander if you don't have it.
2. Download DayZ 1.7.6.
3. Download my package.
4. Make a folder called "@DaiZySP", create a folder inside of that called "Addons".
5. Add all the DayZ 1.7.6 files you downloaded to the addons folder inside "@DaiZySP".
6. Replace dayz_code and dayz_anim with the files from my download.
7. Add the mission files to your "mission" folder in your arma directory.
8. Make a shortcut and add the parameters "-mod=@DaiZySP"

Did anyone know what i did wrong or have "easier" instructions for me :(
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Re: Problem of a German to Install DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.6

also erstens hast du das über steam?