I'm working on exporting Isla Duala just now. It will be with the smart AI wich leans behind walls and stuff to kill your ass.
ANOTHER BIG THING ABOUT THIS MAP! I had double my FPS, so if your computer isn't the best, this might be a good map for you.
Working loot in custom buildings ofc.
It will have random tent/vehicle spawns.
Custom villages (WIP/Future update)!It will be without custom weapons (this includes ArmA weapons too) HOWEVER, I will make one with ArmA 2 vehicles and weapons spawning if you request it.
(Everything will still be unlocked, so that you can spawn every ArmA 2 vehicle/item in with the cheat menu).The AI will have random handgun, rifle, backpack and tools. + the random food/drink/med supplies etc etc.
AI will have a chance to drop Ghillie suit / Camo clothing.
AS50 + L85 will spawn in military, just super, super rare.
This was meant to be a starting loadout picture, but you start with the pouch thing on Isla.

And just a heads up here, I manually spawned in the AS50 to have a more explaining picture. As stated above, it will be in the loot table.