Own DayZOrigins Server

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Own DayZOrigins Server

Hey it would be very nice if somebody knows how to , I can my own private DayZOrigins Server
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

You can rent through here only i think.


As far as i know you can't add anything to the map like buildings or change the spawns because origins will not allow it.
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

Im sure those guys will leak that shit soon enough.
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

it has already been leaked but from what i hear on reddit is the origins guys will have your server DDOSed untill you shut it down.

i do not know this for fact or anything it is just something i read on reddit so take it for what you will but remember it is the internet not everything is true.
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

Dont worry about the Origin guys let them DDos Your Server espicly if you live in the US i hope those fucks enjoy the FBI
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

In reply to this post by fedus_87
fedus_87 wrote
it has already been leaked but from what i hear on reddit is the origins guys will have your server DDOSed untill you shut it down.

i do not know this for fact or anything it is just something i read on reddit so take it for what you will but remember it is the internet not everything is true.
Haha, AFAIK ddos is unlegal (atleast where I live) with enough fucking around, theyre project would fall like a rock.
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Re: Own DayZOrigins Server

In reply to this post by fedus_87
Hey fedus , I asked Haleks. and Above , but they have too much projects, so I wanted to ask you , if you could work on an Origins SP?