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I would be interested to know if bloodsuckers could be killed, before they rip you to pieces ...
Since I run a laptop ... I'm worried about fog draining FPS , most "foggy" missions do for me. The extras do sound neat. I do play with some "personal rules" myself ... I might not be as "hardcore" , but I don't always pick up everything going through looting either. I try to remember something important is there ... like say I find nails, if I don't "need them" , I'll leave em there ...and if I ever do "need them" , I'll return later on searching for em. There's been many weapons Bob has passed up while searching for wheels. I tried to decide , what he could have possibly have basic use of ... which is more close kin to "civilian" grade weapons, than military ones. It's hard passing up a m24 with a couple of magazines laying by it ... but Bob isn't a "sniper" , not even close. He can barely "hunt" much less a ranged one-shot/one-kill "sniper" with a military grade rifle. The base-building dlcs I wouldn't mind trying ... I don't know if the Original vanilia SP version has any actual "crafting in it" , Bob hasn't tried yet. But Bob has one life ... if he's killed ( and not due to a glitch or game issue ) , his story ends. Then I might try more of the DLCs , but I had already gotten Bob started on his adventure , don't want to back-track back starting over right now. |
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Yeah, I just don't like taviana map ... I like it better than chernarus , but just never cared for either map much.
taviana was the soul reason I skipped playing Origins DayZ online ... and honestly, it's quite a bit "laggier" in FPS drops than chernarus is for me. Most my favorite maps, are probably ill suited for "dayz" specifically ... I really like jadeGroove map, and caribou frontier 2 maps ... As far as any map dayz was on online I liked ... I'd have to say NAPF was one of my favorites. It was the first one I played that had many enterable buildings , even made use of MGB "kill houses" ... I'm not sure how much of that was default or added in though. Lingor was too graphics intense for me to play ... I only tried sahrani recently ... wish I had played with it before now. ( Sarhrani even outside of "dayZ" is ... interesting. It's got it's own special units and everything , I really like the way the sahrani civvies look too! ) I think though, me playing Origins SP lite on Sahrani is messed up ... I noticed yesterday there was some wrecks and garbage piles out in the ocean between the islands as Bob crossed to the larger two. I'm wondering if thats why I haven't encountered any "bandit girls" , and all my "buddies" say they are "lost" ... perhaps they are swimming? Spawned out in the water ... didn't spawn logically with the island? now, it's dark ... i'm guessing about 8-9 hours of dark ... no moon dark currently ... so, I feel a bit limited in looking around the bigger island now ATM. I do love new buildings , new areas though ... sometimes open buildings aggravate me a bit ... the big hotels on Sahrani don't spawn any loot at all , so it's like 4-5 floors of nothing, just a big empty building. It took me exploring about 4-5 of those Hotels from top to bottom to figure out they just didn't spawn loot ... so I burned alot of time poking around in them. |
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