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No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?

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No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?

Been very quiet on here for a long time.  Is anyone planning to release anything new?
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Re: No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?

From what I understand, me and all the other modders have hit a brickwall in terms of new releases. At this point, very little has yet to be done in regards to DayZ, and its plausible settings, and environments. And also ArmA IIs engine and what can be achieved 'efficiently'.

We're really scraping ideas from the very rusty bottom of a barrel. A lot of them are very similar to other, already done ones. The ones that have yet to be done are usually far out of reach, requiring extensive recoding or an inflated amount of time to design.

Less updates is also to be expected, as people shift from ArmA II to ArmA III and DayZ standalone (the game is still shit lmao), or just lose interest.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?

Agreed, at least as far as Arma2 is concerned. I am indeed continuing my projects on Arma3 - I'm just waiting on a few authorizations while finishing it. ;)

@Dave : I've posted a few infos on the 2018 thread.
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Re: No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?

 I think it's a shame no more arma2 ( arma2 OA at least) is being dev'd up.  

 Arma3 is fine of course, kinda what most gravitate too ... , but there are those of us with systems that will not run arma3 very well, and barely arma2.  

 I know, it's kind of a butthead call , asking for the talented folks to keep making things for us dinosaurs and low end participants.

 At some point, I will have a gaming computer capable of my favorite games/genre's , but on a limited budget, never seems I can afford it realistically.  

 Also I am stuck myself in an area where all I can get is a Hotspot Wifi for a few more years still. I work at a campground, and there's no other broadband.  The Wifi simply takes too much data on what they give you ( super expensive for what it is ), and even though it says " unlimited data up to you allotment) , I noticed already they choke back data stream enough it's too slow to run online in these games anyways.

 I know I can't be the only turd floating in that shit pond.  There has to be still many players wanting, wishing, needing some more SP activities on this aged game.  I mean I know Dayz mods kind of dominate the list on steam online play , around 4k players still playing.  So there's gotta be at least a third of that doing some SP stuff right?

 I'll post somewhere else some ideas, ... can't say that it's still not scraping the bottom of a rusty barrel, but at least some different perspectives I've had while tinkering unsucessfully to make Arma2 OA do all I want it to.  ( I'm no scripter at all. ) Editor can only get me so far, and usually means I'm stuck with some basic default arma2 self made mission.  Things like Daizy I have to download someone else's work.  And even then, while going along ... I will tend to think " you know, it would have been cool/awesome if you could only do that instead of this!"  

 If you guys feel unappreciated ... and over worked, I appologize on behalf of all us ungrateful heathens that do not take the time to stop and say, " THANK YOU!!! "

 The work you guys have done, is appreciated and very much a welcome addition to what we can play and do in Arma2 series.
  I know I appreciate it , and have always wanted more.