NO AI in DaiZy Factions / any mod except in one

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NO AI in DaiZy Factions / any mod except in one

Hey guys, so i having a problem with ai spawing - there is no ai in any mods i tried , except in the classic one - DaiZy v0.42 [ ].

I'm using a Support Call too , to check for them , and of course I walk to the middle of Electro and for e.g i go near the church and there is no friendly ai appearing . I'm tired of this one , and wanted to install a new one ,but every time i do this i just get no AI and its not fun :(

DayZ -
Arma || - 103718

And yes I done all things from " How to install mods " so idk .
I'm not using the mission file without AI !
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Re: NO AI in DaiZy Factions / any mod except in one

AI don't spawn the same way in Factions than in v0.42 : it's not as easy as going to the church and having two guys joining your group right away.
Depending on the location, they'll spawn at some distance around you; you have to find them first, and go near them to see a "recruit unit" option.
And so you don't bother : "There's no friendlies in Elektro."
(Can't remember if there's any in Cherno though, but there should be one on Skalisty island...)
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Re: NO AI in DaiZy Factions / any mod except in one

Thanks for replying , but how can you explain what strange thing then I'm using a Support Call function to scan for friendlies - and it says:- "There is no friendlies " as i spawn in v0.42 DaiZy and i scan for them there is usually one but far away e.g - 2000 m ~ .  And as i head from other players as soon as they get to the Elektro or Cherno they heard intesive gun fights.

Still thanks for some information,going to try to be like for 10 mins in the Elektro for e.g and see what happens.