Missions help

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Missions help

Hello Everyone new to the site must say this is awesome Many thanks to each one of you for all your hard work I've been playing the new Breakingzero 1.8 from above everything running smooth the only issue I'm having is missions how does it start do I have to wait for something so it can be triggered or do you just go to the location such as to enabled the generators @ the 2 towns I got there but nothing happens I did move the mission file from breakingZero to my mission folder in my dir missions folder Also is there a way that the AI/bandits when shooting the zombies will go after them there making noise not me lol thanks. Grim
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Re: Missions help

All good here Above add a mod for Zeds to attack Ai =)
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Re: Missions help

In reply to this post by Grimsok
i got a problem too when i build a wood wall with door its not spawning but its say building wall w/door complete???