Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

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Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

Greetings everyone,

I am positive the problem is on my end rather than a bug. I have installed "DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols]" and noticed that the menu located in the upper left corner of the map screen is missing. I am unable to access the gear load-outs of the AI survivors I have recruited and all other functions it provides. There are two small arrows pointing up&down which are non functional instead.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

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Re: Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen


Thank you for taking the time to assist me with this issue. However, I have no problem accessing my own gear with the'g' key. I need to be more specific as follows.

I play DaiZy with A.I. survivors and bandits preferably. The only version I have played to date is ... "@DaiZyFACTIONS_Chernarus_1987;@CBA_CO;@AEG;@GermanWWIIPack1.15;@GermanWeaponsPack1.81" but recently attempted to install "DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols]" and found the feature I mention missing from the map screen.

I was able to access A.I. gear by opening the map screen and selecting the 'units' button from the same vertical menu that exists in the base game (ARMA2, ARMAOA, etc). The very same menu that includes the following options ...map, units, mission, tasks,etc although most served no purpose or function in DaiZy. Once you had at least one (or more) A.I. survivor recruited they would be shown in the map screen in a vertical list near the top center when the units button was clicked. The same gear screen would be shown for them that results in pressing 'g' which applies to the player's character.

This is a great feature as it allows me to easily manipulate their inventory especially when I would mount them in a Ural I stocked with weapons, ammo, etc. This was/is great for a foot patrol to repair and retrieve a vehicle by having them carry wheels,windows. et al to make the repairs that you wouldn't be able to transport in just one trip.
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Re: Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

Hi there!

This feature has been disabled in the latest versions of DayZ.
I have re-enabled it back for 2018 and will do the same for the next Factions update!
I just have to actually find the time to do it. ;)
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Re: Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

Thank you Haleks. You saved me potentially countless hours of troubleshooting. I look forward to the update and thank you for all your efforts.
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Re: Missing menu (upper left) in the map screen

here you go i restored the missing menu just copy the file in to the addons folder overwriting the old file.

Dayz_code.pbo:http://www.mediafire.com/download/pp441spgbx2xlf1/dayz_code.rar goes in to @dayzxxx/addons folder

P.S. i edited the mission file DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols] i added towing script,refuel script and vehicle part salvage script.

Edited mission file:http://www.mediafire.com/download/dwnv2dr8r6dtgls/DaiZy_Factions_3.0+%5BWalking+Zeds+%2B+Car+Patrols%5D.Chernarus.pbo
goes in to mission folder

happy scavanging :)