Mediafire Download Issue

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Mediafire Download Issue

Hello Gents!

So I've been having an issue while downloading Halek's DaiZy 2018 file from MediaFire. The first time I downloaded the file, everything went fine. However, in the last couple days he has updated it several times, and I thought I was keeping up with them.. but that wasn't the case. Now, I've got this issue where, when I go to download the newest file, which is 234mb (using Chrome, tried with IE and FireFox, no download managers, cleaned cookies, caches, download cache, etc.), the file starts to download but at 222mb, which is the original file size before the recent updates. I've been trying everything I can, and now with both my Desktop and Laptop, and cannot seem to fix the issue. Google hasn't been much help either.

So, has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have any idea what the issue could be?
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Re: Mediafire Download Issue


No problem here... no idea what happens :(

I've just download it on a virgin PC, then uncompress it : all works fine.

I'm re-uploading it for you, it will be ready in about 1 hour... then you can try again...

To be continued...
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Re: Mediafire Download Issue

That would be quite awesome of you, mate. Haleks offered to re-upload it somewhere else, but I hate to interrupt his progress on updating the mods he's worked on already.
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Re: Mediafire Download Issue

As he want... maybe his connection is better than mine :)

Anyway, it's up now : you can download it from

Sorry, I don't have any count on other uploader... its throughput is rather low...
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Re: Mediafire Download Issue

Thanks a ton! It seems to be working now, and downloading the full 234mb file! Thank you, thank you!