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hey guys i was just wondering if you can put the AI from the newest chernarus map 42eX, and put them into the other maps that i found in mediafire because on the other maps they have nothing in there backpacks and only have pistols can you please change this it would be awsome!
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yourampage wrote
hey guys i was just wondering if you can put the AI from the newest chernarus map 42eX, and put them into the other maps that i found in mediafire because on the other maps they have nothing in there backpacks and only have pistols can you please change this it would be awsome!
The older SP maps use a static load out system that consists of just pistols. Newer releases use Zed Hunter's random load out script for both human players and AI that includes ALL weapons including melee. It's just a matter of replacing / adding a few script files and recompiling the older maps... But most of the newer maps have fixes and features the older ones don't, so it makes no sense to go back to older versions.
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DayZ_SP, I think he's on about adding the current AI system etc to Namalsk for instance, wich would be boss. I'm still waiting like never before for someone to make a good Namalsk SP map. I personally have no clue how it's done, otherwise I'd put the 042c/eX on Namalsk or something.
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Actually, I believe the OP is talking about previous DaiyZ maps since he/she specifically states maps they found on Mediafire.

The main point, however, is it is getting harder to make SP versions of different DayZ maps not just because they sometimes have custom buildings and functions... But because the latest version of the game is different from previous versions. Rocket is finally optimizing (rewriting) portions of the code and fixing bugs that helped make SP what it is today, ironically.

For example, one of the features SP players like from 38b was the ability to heal yourself with a blood bag. Well, this was a glitch that was never supposed to be there, obviously and was fixed in subsequent DayZ releases. It can be re-enabled, but it can also have negative effects on other functions as well since it is not something the game is supposed to do at this stage.

As far as making an SP version of a custom ArmA 2 map...

The basic task of converting a MP map to SP is not hard to do, relatively speaking... But making a quality release (Zed Hunter and Unknown's coding prowess) is what takes the most time & effort.
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Ahhh, I see. ^^

Well, I hope someone, at some point takes the time. I would if I had a single clue how to. x(
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Like I said, converting a MP map to SP is not hard (in theory), but since the game is changing so much right now a lot of previous functions & features just don't work anymore, or work like they are supposed to.

Chances are somebody out there will find a way to make the retail stand alone map(s) SP just like they made the current mod SP if the maps don't come with an SP mode at release. It will take time, but like all things, it will happen eventually, IMO.

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Yup, exacly. Eventually. ^^

However, Namalsk already got a SP mission. Obviously not DayZ. But that might help. ^^