"Life Servers" ...

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"Life Servers" ...

 I have often wondered why there's never been some form of "DayZ Life" server or game ...

 or I have wondered , why some of the cool stuff from Life servers, was never implemented directly into Arma2 DayZ mods ...

 Like , handcuffing/surrendering.
 Like, extra content holders, pockets, vehicle trunk storage ...
 Like holstering sidearms ...
I'm sure there is more ...

 You don't exactly need " jobs" , or pay days in such ... just some of the system mechanics to help aid in bringing stale DayZ to a "living" server or more dynamic play.  
 Now that being said, I severely dislike " life servers" by default ...  it's basically " dark RP" , with uncontrolled moronic players ( usually younger ones, mic screechers ) , and more like a controlled version of GTA4 ...
 Usually it's Cops vrs Everyone else ... with made up stupid rules, and made up "laws" to break ... most things viable are simply enforcing criminal activity of some sort ...
So i just don't like em as is ...

 But I have no idea why, one couldn't take the good parts of "LIfe" , and apply them into DayZ mods ...
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Re: "Life Servers" ...

I seen one guy ask in old BIS forums, for a "DayZ Life" server ... hahaha, I wonder what that'd be like?