Hey everyone, im the new one here.

I really enjoy your work so far. So, here is my problem.
I try to install one of those 3:
RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols]
RELEASE: DaiZy Customized 1.2 [25.01 updated] - Handcuff your enemies! - Based on Haleks' release!
RELEASE : DaiZy 2018 [27/02/2014 UPDATED]
I see normal Zombies, Bandits and Friendly AI. But some of the Zombie are invinsible and i only see the head and their hands.
Did i miss some Textures or do i need to download something extra?
I have the latest Patch and the latest DayZ Mod.
Regards, HD
EDIT: The normal DaiZy Mod works without a problem.