I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

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I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

 Don't know what to call it yet,
But thinking about using the ehj-infected mod , along with MGB building mod, and real survival pack.

 I've figured out how to randomly spawn loot around via triggers and waypoint placements.

 What I need to do is find a way to also spawn the infected units in a similar manner. I've done it but seems once you hit a radio trigger and spawn a group, it continuously keeps spawning even after it's left.

 Taking cue from Dynamic Zombie mission , bandages/healing should be simple -variable- use , I believe.
 Though EHJ-infected also require if you get hit a times "infection" where you need antidotes injected if hit , or you become one of those blasted undead.
 Of course, medical tents, and ambulances allow for healing as well.
Bandages can only be taken off fully dead infected units, or dead player bodies.

I wanna try to include MGB , for some semblance of modular base building , but what I really want to do is get the Infected to either drop money to pick up ( to afford using MGB) or instantly add money to the characters when they kill the infected. ( say 20 bucks per undead killed.)
  Because MGB sorta includes a shop for weapons feature, and I have a simple npc shop script set I can use to place a merchant somewhere too.

Merchant won't be loaded with weapons, but more supplies.

I also need to decide on a good map to use , but I might start off with a simple map just to test everything and get it all lined out.  Proving grounds might not be a bad start , edited to add some content of course.


Because I'm bored with dayz in a way , and just wanna try something different.  I've always thought, I could re-create somewhat a survival game in Arma2 oa by using these older systems.  I had partially succeeded in the Stalker mod set up, but lost my progress, and Stalker set up was a huge undertaking in itself.

 Also, how I'll set it up , this version will basically be a modded "mission" and can also be played via LAN or Online multiplayer with friends too.  I'm going to design it as a total Co-Op ( not PvP oriented).  

That way, it's fun solo, and with a handful of buddies too.  I think that's the "killer" of Dayz , or Daizy SP ...
Dayz mod itself is too dependent on running a dedicated server to play with friends easily. This is costly to rent.
Daizy SP offers little to no multiplayer option. ( not that I can get it to work anyways.)

Not that I have "buddies" that play Arma2 oa at all anymore , but maybe after I make the mission, get it finalized on a good map , i'll seek out a few and testers too.

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Re: I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

Testing various "older" zombie scripts and missions, I've decided to go another alternate route.  

 Heh, I almost don't want to give a spoiler, but I'm gonna use the AlienZ mod , but not use many if any of the "armed" Zetaborns, but the unarmed Bloodseekers and Spookers.

 Why? Well first off , i've got entire classnames documented of the zetaborn units and such, which was a royal pain to find for any "zombie or infected" units from other sources.  This aids in my plan for how these units will spawn in.
  secondly, the Alien units are tough, it takes quite a few 5.56 shots to down one , of course higher caliber weapons do appropriate damage too.

 Behavior of the Zeta AI is unpredictable. These aren't exactly "zombies" that always mindlessly wander toward you. These units will work together, and flank, drop prone , sometimes even run off to be encountered later.
 Needless to say, they are tough, WITHOUT weaponry.  

 The "story"?

 A new type of invasion began.  Instead of War of the worlds , where ships came in leaving destruction in thier wake, ships came but had two purposes.
 Most the "mother ships" came and abducted the vast majority of the population ( reasons unknown) , leaving about 1% of the worlds population "behind".  The second set of ships, deployed the Greys , to root out any "survivors" and basically finish off humanity.

 Most areas ( the maps used) have a toxic "zone" surrounding them, that makes escaping the map/islands impossible. even chemical suits and gas mask are ineffective in these "dead-zones".  So, there's no hope of "rescue" , no Hope of extraction.

 Small groups of survivors, and half tossed together military units , trapped inside these zones, stay in communication via radio and satellite phone links.  A somewhat coordinated effort ( humanity vrs the aliens) is loosely being put together.
The Primary goals -
1- Survive. Humans are few now, every able body is needed in the effort.
2- Take down/out the Alien threats left behind.
3- after the deadly ground units of Zetaborns are eliminated or no longer a direct threat/complication, figure out the "dead-zone" issues.
4- Rebuild civilization from what's left.

Inside these "zones" , zetas hunt the humans currently. Their numbers are vast, and they are tough to take down. They can be quite fast too.
 However, small pockets of resistance dot the zones still.  

 Resistance fighters, scavenge for supplies, hold up in places , and have been taking the fight to the greys deployed.   It's not easy, a hard thing.
 Occasionally un-manned drones have been successful in airdropping some supplies to various areas. Most notably is the experimental "builder" PDA ... , but it's system seems tied to currency to use.
 So, what ever new "government" basically placed a bounty on each zetaborn head , and fronted survivor groups a bit of credit to use the system.  Each Zeta taken down, automatically is digitally tracked, and funds added to the group account.
  Fortifications, defenses, and weaponry and ammo can be purchased directly from the PDa device.
( The PDA might actually be converted Alien technology.)

 Unfortunately , you can't buy a tank to use, nor gas.  

But, of course ... survival is hard, and not everyone makes it.  
Supplies are running low, or are expired.

 You have to go out and scavenge , have to find basic supplies, and try not to get killed by the quick, and deadly zetaborns.

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Re: I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

while I was browsing armaholic , I happened to find a zombie map template , it uses the Undead Mod , gonna look it over , along with other things I picked up.

 still think i'm gonna do the AlienZ one , but was too interesting to see what someone else put together back in vanilla arma2 days.

Think I might have found a map to use as well, if it runs good.
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Re: I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

Alienz is out ...

 For reasons unknown, I cannot force any kind of dynamic spawning of Zetaborns on a map, not via editor, not by sqm scripts, nothing.  I can everything else.

 i went into MCC sandbox, and same issue.  For some reason my chosen zetaborn units will ONLY spawn if directly placed in editor.

The ONLY way to do it would to "populate" the entire map with units , and we can't do that as it'd lag down play.  And of course, once zetas were killed, they wouldn't return.  It'd just have untis doing whatever, running amok, taking up space when not needed.

Ok back to the drawing board.

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Re: I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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Re: I'm attempting to make an Alternate zombie survival mission:

yes, MCC helps if you use UPSMON scripts included in ACE2 , you gotta bear in mind MCC was designed to dynamcally run MilSIM missions on the fly ( or help to).

 It really wasn't designed to be used with zombies, aliens and any mods but ACE.  

 Which is why Arma3's Zeus is far supierior, it does it all.