How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

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How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

does anyone know how to disable the magic box?? I can't get around disabling it properly!! everytime I enter scenarios in the game it kicks me out and an error pops up. I edit the mission files with notepad by finding a text with the word radio in it, than I sort of put in false instead of it having true beside it. I don't know if im doing it right or not and I still can't find the right answer around how to edit mission scripts.
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Re: How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

raw003 wrote
does anyone know how to disable the magic box?? I can't get around disabling it properly!! everytime I enter scenarios in the game it kicks me out and an error pops up. I edit the mission files with notepad by finding a text with the word radio in it, than I sort of put in false instead of it having true beside it. I don't know if im doing it right or not and I still can't find the right answer around how to edit mission scripts.

Well, if you don't like a particular cheat, then the most simplified step is not to use it. And If I remember correctly then there is a seperate folder in the mission file for cheats. You could delete the cheats and then also delete the cheat GUI in a file.
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Re: How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

its all good man, I found a program called PBO manager and started to fiddle with it from there. I did manage to stop the cheats from working and its turned out the way I want it. sorry for not clearly introducing myself, i'm the guy who feels tempted to use cheats or end up using it if its there... without even thinking. thanks for the feed back though :)
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Re: How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

raw003 wrote
its all good man, I found a program called PBO manager and started to fiddle with it from there. I did manage to stop the cheats from working and its turned out the way I want it. sorry for not clearly introducing myself, i'm the guy who feels tempted to use cheats or end up using it if its there... without even thinking. thanks for the feed back though :)
Haha, I know what you mean. I used to do that aswell, but then when I actually used a cheat, after that I forced myself to restart the whole mission as punishment. Stopped cheating after 13 restarts or so.
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Re: How do I edit Cheats (Disable/Enable)?

Ray wrote
raw003 wrote
its all good man, I found a program called PBO manager and started to fiddle with it from there. I did manage to stop the cheats from working and its turned out the way I want it. sorry for not clearly introducing myself, i'm the guy who feels tempted to use cheats or end up using it if its there... without even thinking. thanks for the feed back though :)
Haha, I know what you mean. I used to do that aswell, but then when I actually used a cheat, after that I forced myself to restart the whole mission as punishment. Stopped cheating after 13 restarts or so.

Haha! I know exacly what both of you are talking about. I end up restarting when I got a decent gun anyways, though.