How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

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How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

i'm sorry if i post this topic at the wrong subcategory, i'm new to this forum and i really love DayZ
while i was searching for DayZ weapon mod, i found these videos on youtube
this mod include the Remington ACR (my favorite AR of all games) and i wan't to ask you guys whether i can install this rMod to DaiZy or not, and if i can plz tell me how, i will definitely appreciate
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Re: How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

use the breaking point single player from here it has the same weapons and you can use support call to use any other weapons not added
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Re: How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

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Re: How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

ielitexx wrote

You could download Remington ACR weapons pack from aswell, incase you want to use these weapons in a different mission. Then add them to the loot table or use a cheat module to spawn them.
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Re: How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy

ok thanks ray
new question: how can i add new weapon to loot table