How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy
i'm sorry if i post this topic at the wrong subcategory, i'm new to this forum and i really love DayZ
while i was searching for DayZ weapon mod, i found these videos on youtube
<nabble_embed></nabble_embed> <nabble_embed></nabble_embed> this mod include the Remington ACR (my favorite AR of all games) and i wan't to ask you guys whether i can install this rMod to DaiZy or not, and if i can plz tell me how, i will definitely appreciate
Re: How can i add rMod 2.1 Weapons to DayZ singleplayer or DaiZy
ielitexx wrote
You could download Remington ACR weapons pack from aswell, incase you want to use these weapons in a different mission. Then add them to the loot table or use a cheat module to spawn them.