I'm running DaiZy Chernarus RSPB 1.7.6 and trying to set up the game for MP.
I've followed the 'quick and dirty' instructions from another post in this section. I spawn in fine, but my friend gets spawned in no-man's-land without a player model.
We both have our missions unpacked in the //documents/arma 2/%profile%/MPmissions/ folder.
Get DayZ Control Center, it will let you establish a legitimate online DayZ server of your own, LAN or online, you can host it from your computer or any capable device.
Getting DayZ control center dosen't have any effect at all with the DaiZy spawnbug and skinbug. Since DaiZy missions are created for SP , it lacks the functions a MP mission of it would need. You could create a few scripts to fix the spawning/skinbug ofcourse. I heard it has been fixed in DayZ, so go get theyre scripts and put them over is my quess, but the spawn/skin bugs are only the start.
Sorry it's been a while. I've been in Arma 3. Just learning to script with that actually so I will have a go with making it work as a LAN game. If I have any success I'll post it here.
i dont mind it not saving, its just it working fine with other people is the hard part, any advise on how to do it, like a step by step tutorial would be nice :)