Ok so my internet sucks, this is no news to me (around 22 kb/s) and I love to play DayZ. Some days, I can connect just fine but some days my internet can't even handle the most basic videos on YouTube. So, being the wisecrack I am, I decided to YouTube Search DayZ Singleplayer. This is what I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbsqFj-Ls58. I used this to try and run Daizy. It loads perfectly and runs flawlessly but no loot or zombies spawn. I read something on here where it said to wait 3-5 minutes and they would spawn, but it didn't work. I waited 20 if not 30 minutes and still... nothing! I am desperate for this to work and I need your help. I am new to this so I have no clue how to tell the version and all of that good stuff, so I linked the video so you could *attempt* to find it out. I am sorry for the inconvenience but I have been trying so hard to post this with my bad internet and all. Please help me find a fix ASAP!
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That kid should have linked this forum instead of hosting a file he'll never update...
Just look for one of the most recent releases on the Releases section. Try either DayZ X or 2018, if you like the mood (I updated it recently). |
I'm new to this: I want a Singleplayer DayZ (preferably cheats because I SUCK BADLY AT THIS GAME) and something that is easy, can't get you banned, and is easy to set up, and no internet required. I am new to this so I have no clue which one to choose, can you help me?
This is our most basic version. It simulates online play on standard DayZ servers. There's a hidden cheat menu that will spawn a magicbox full of items - press 0(zero) 0 (zero) and choose from the menu with the mousewheel. This is a detailed installation guide:
http://kodabar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/dayz-offline-single-player-practice.html Beyond that, try anything from our Releases section as Haleks indicated. We've got a lot of different versions with differing features. And I too am annoyed at that YouTube chap for just hosting a single version of the file and then not helping people who have difficulty with it. |
Ok so do I need Support Call for the cheats? And what does Lost Key do? I'm very bad at this!
The basic version has the magicbox built in. Just press zero, zero and follow the menu with your mousewheel. It spawns a box full of equipment.
Support Call adds extra cheats, by allowing you to change your appearance and air-dropping equipment, including vehicles, to you. Lost Key adds even more including teleportation and helicopter spawning. So you don't need Support Call or Lost Key unless you want all that. If you get stuck with any of it, or just need a hand getting it working, you can email me on kodabar@gmail.com and I'll help you through it. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Please check your Email T.T I sent help to you
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Will SuportCall or Loki's Lost Key interfere with online or is it the same as DaiZy? And I tried to run it from the shortcut and it says "You cannot play/edit this mission because it relies on dlc that has been deleted.chernarus" and I got a few startup errors. With the shortcut, would it have to be done differently because I have Windows 8? Please help soon, thanks. ~Rusty
Support Call and Lost Key are only active if they're loaded in. And they're only loaded in by the shortcut you made for DaiZy, so they don't interfere with normal DayZ at all.
I specifically chose Support Call and Lost Key because they can't interfere with normal online play. If you were to load them into your normal game of DayZ (and you can't do that by accident), then when you tried to connect to a server, it will tell you that you have those files installed and that you cannot connect as long as they are active. The server will never let you connect, so there's no chance of you connecting, accidentally using them and getting banned. So it's perfectly safe. |
But I tried to run it from the shortcut and it says "You cannot play/edit this mission because it relies on dlc that has been deleted.chernarus" and I got a few startup errors. With the shortcut, would it have to be done differently because I have Windows 8? Please help soon, thanks. ~Rusty
Chernarus is part of ArmA 2. Operation Arrowhead should detect that you have ArmA 2 installed and pick up on the ArmA 2 content (ie Chernarus).
When this doesn't work, there are a few different solutions. Here's the easiest one: 1. Go into your ArmA 2 program folder. If you have Steam, it's probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 If you don't have Steam, it's probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\arma 2 2. Once you're in there, look for a folder called "Addons" 3. Right click on that folder and select "Copy" 4. Go to your Operation Arrowhead program folder If you have Steam, it's probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead If you don't have Steam, it's probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\arma 2 operation arrowhead 5. Right click and choose "Paste" This will copy the Addons folder from ArmA 2 to Operation Arrowhead and the game won't bitch about 'deleted content Chernarus' There are better and tidier ways of doing this, but this is the easiest and just plain works. |
So do I replace the whole addons folder? If I used Arma 2 addons for the OA wouldn't it make OA into Arma 2? Or is it just adding the files for rescourcing? I'm bad withy this stuff sorry for so many questions.
Don't worry about asking questions. This stuff can be pretty confusing.
Operation Arrowhead doesn't have an Addons folder, so copying over the one from ArmA 2 replaces nothing and doesn't interfere with anything. The game will just realise it's there and use it as necessary. If you get completely stuck, send me an email (kodabatATgmailDOTcom) and I'll talk you through it. I've even been persuaded to use Teamviewer to install and set everything up for people before. |
Thanks so much, Kodabar. I am busy right now and will try this is like 30 mins and get back to you. Thanks again.
Hey Kodabar, I got it to work last night with all of the Lost Key and SupportCall stuff and it ran perfectly, 60 fps, I was having a blast. I tried to log on this morning only to find out that it takes extremely long to launch and I am getting about 15 fps. I have tried the Run as Administrator option as well and it just makes it go unresponsive at the last 2 checkboxes. I was looking forward to playing today and I hope I can (with your help). If it helps I am running Windows 8.1 Pro and I have about 12% Battery. I was thinking maybe it is the battery life affecting lag and time to open programs, but I have no problem loading other games :/ Please help when it is convenient. Thanks! ~Rusty
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