Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

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Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

I been trying to get the mods to work with Daiyz SP but can't seem to get it to work as the missions would crash to debrief after loading into them. No matter what I do, even after a restart, it just work end up on the debrief screen and says I need to continue (kicks me to main menu) or restart it.

Here the mods i am running (my target line):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@COWarModACE;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A2;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@DaiZyFactions

If I replace the DaiZYFaction with any of the other missions, same thing.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

Get the latest CBA  version. Also remove ACEX_RU|US  and give it another go. Make sure ACE and ACEX are compatible with eachother. Also try non-dayz missions.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

I got both the latest CBA versions and did remove acex_RU and the other optional addon. Same issue.

ACE/ACEX works fine without Dayz thought. Just wondering if it possible to get it to with DAYZ but it not, It fine.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

Mine works perfectly. I don't know what the problem must be for you, if it works in regular ArmA missions then it should also work in DaiZy, and since mine works in DaiZy it can't be the missions fault. I'll try to think about an alternative.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

It the first time I installed ACE.

I played the mod using LAN and the COOP missions which seems to be fine.

I even try reupdating it a bunch of times using six updater but the mission would crash directly to the debrief screen.

I don't know how you got it working.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

Well I installed ACE & ACEX manually, I dont really like Six Updater. Try that if you get time.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

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You wouldn't happen to know which files I need to download for ACE/ACEX?

Trying to see if i can re-create what you did to get it working.

Armaholic has a bunch of different ACE/ACEX versions. Not sure which ones I would need unless you know which versions I can try before I give up.
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Re: Getting Ace or COWARMOD to work with DaiyZ

I attempted to download ace from the ace main wiki website but the download buttons don't work and they recommendu sing six updater to download it.