Fire barrel won't stay lit

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Fire barrel won't stay lit

Hello guys , im asking help because i can't figure out how to solve this trouble with firebarrels in dayz epoch . I craft fire barrel with 1x empty Fuel Barrel, 1x Full Jerry Can, and 4x WoodPile then i do "turn on fire" and the fire is burning for 1 second ,sometime 2 seconds then it goes off .
Does someone know how to fix this issue ?
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Eric the Viking
Hi Ryan,

Just out of curiosity have you tried setting up a "normal" fire in the same spot and seen if it works?

I think we've all experienced igniting a fire only to have it go out immediately so I don't believe it's the Fire Barrel part causing the problem.

Sorry, not much help, but trying setting the fire in different positions and on different surfaces.
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Yes i try it again this morning , normal fire(fireplace) works in the same spot of fire barrel ,then i try to set the fire barrel on 5 diffrent surfaces but again is not working , i try to put it half barrel into the ground or in the air with same result not working . My opinion is that something in scripts tell to fire to go out immediatley . Wich are all the files that control fire barrel actions ?  
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Eric the Viking
Wich are all the files that control fire barrel actions ?
Sorry mate, I really wouldn't know. If it was a separate mod to begin with you might be able to identify the files involved.

You mentioned Dayz Epoch - do you mean the Dayz Epoch 1.0.6...? If the craft barrel fire is part of Dayz 1.8.8 then the Dayz Forums would be the place to look and if it was part of Epoch (not the "A3" version) then it would be on the Epoch forums.
Sorry, not much help really but good luck.
EDIT: A quick look through Github on version 1.8.8 of Dayz shows references to Land Fire_Barrel sort of thing so it would seem that the craftable fire barrel is actually part of Dayz - so start there I guess.
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

I use the version posted in Unofficial DaiZy releases section "DayZ Epoch Singleplayer by Markus"
I found some files like "fire monitor" or "fire light" or "player make fire" , wich include inside Land Fire_Barrel and then i check same files from other versions of dayz where fire barrel is working and is everything the same, same script so at this point i really don't know where is the problem.
I think i should contact a dev that is working at epoch version and maybe i will found a solution .
BTW i appreciated your availability to help me , thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english :)

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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Eric the Viking
Ah, well, you're brave having a go at that.... ;)

I'm really not sure they have even finished that TBH.

There's a little more work involved but the Epoch boys have merged DayZ 1.8.x and Epoch to create Epoch 1.0.6. - so all the functionality of DayZ (crafting, etc) plus the world (and base building & fixes) of Epoch rolled into one.

Btw, you're welcome, it's a pity we didn't find a solution. Also, there's nothing wrong with your English, I understood every word! :)
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

I did it , now fire barrel is working :) the problem was in file "fireplace.sqf" at line "_fire inflame true;" and i change it to false .

private ["_fire","_loc","_unit"];

_unit = _this select 0;
_loc = _unit modeltoworld [0,0.5,0];
_unit playActionNow "Medic";
sleep 6;

_fire = createVehicle ["Land_Fire_DZ", _loc, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_fire setDir round(random 360);
_loc set [2,0];
//_loc set [0,(_loc select 0) + 0.5];
_fire setPosATL _loc;
_fire inflame false;
sleep 60*10;
deleteVehicle _fire;
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Eric the Viking
Well done mate!

Thanks for sharing your solution, I'm sure it will be helpful to someone in the future.
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Re: Fire barrel won't stay lit

Roger that