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Hello! This is my final rearrangement on this.
Sadly LOTD and Warfare didn't match. All to the (money) icon on to traders in LOTD do with your team earnings in Warfare. That broke the HUD, no thirst or cold, probably to the last, no nothing except black fillers instead of a working HUD. And no "clean" untouched LD Taviana map works running in LOTD either. Went really mad on that I can tell, cause that, ass it worked before the HUD broke (8) hours, is with out a doubt my best gamming experience ever. Everything had to do with loot in "all" buildings. With that and that it ran so light on (full gear) made it happen. A full game, without any shortcomings. That did not work. ![]() Such a shame with this. ![]() And now this. My best tweak. And my last, and only one that I need. You can run Last Days instead for LOTD with Warfare on Taviana, it runs good, and you don't need to choose on, or twist it to go. You probably spawn and run as (empty gear). And you build it like before, ships at HQ, adding the misc. you like and need, and so on. Set you Warfare Module on 50% Probability of presence (Taviana), lower don't load it. Then the same. Set low AI numbers in LD, and an advantage to Independents side. Done. This actually integrate better that LOTD did when it worked. All comes natural, and both LD and Warfare work flawless together, maybe a bit heavy on your hardware, but same here, it evens out and runs softer over time. Add your external maps, with Warfare or without, only Editor reworked. Of what I've seen the most maps do accept Editor AI content, and I think most all so handle that like its own AI (LD). /DaiZy Warfare Takistan - C.B.A v1.0.1 - MCC Sandbox/ And the extra to this Last Days added now. I'm running DaiZy Warfare Takistan within this group as well. Mostly because I want a more Warfare play than Taviana preforming. And because it is a really good mod. Allows so much in Editor and does usage fully with MCC. The link between "north" and south/east fits perfect with Caribou map. A crossing between Namlsk and Clafghan. More like steppe land up north and dryer and barren down south if you like it as that, a mix between the zones. I also did add Namalsk and Clafghan to the field. As good Warfare is when it runs as it should do, can see on how it meant to run now. Comparing them with each other. Last Days/LOTD adding so many new features playing around with the Warfare aspects in Taviana. Everything Warfare does is made for DayZ by LO/LOTD it seems. The rest of Warfare features, it skips. And does that perfect, no "trails" or any indicators on anything that else should be, or missing. Amazing this works this way. Now I'm done with this for some time. Just do your maps from the ground up, and don't be lazy about it, going back and forth because you wanna play already. ![]() And be prepared on stuff like, no wells and such in some out dated maps. Figure shit like that out, 4-5 hours in a game can be a bit annoying. Under (EU/AS) in your Editor you'll find everything you need to build a scenario from scratch. All, you can add out your map with vegetation if you like, no limits. Here goes! ![]() Good luck. /Key stuff in Last Days; You being able to move (operate) self added (Objects) made in Editor. Most maps do concern Editor AI as Last Days AI (very likely). Pretty differences between maps playwise. Some medicals working a bit different from others, think even loot in general do "fit" the environment to that specific map (some thought behind it). Even different tweaks on DZAI and DZMS between maps I think, some are more common on planes that interacting, AIs carry more valuable (more) loot in lesser urban maps etc. That said, you can't really tell on the playloop between maps, or exactly the kind spawning or on how the effect interacts with different types does. This mod don't act in the very same way in every map. ![]() This is much richer than the ones I deleted in this thread before, and therefore no waste at all. And maybe other Arma 2/OA mods do run in Last Days, like Invasions 44, or Operation Frenchpoint etc. No matter if, I as a Editor user choose Last Days further, lesser mess, and everything (maps) in the same mod (engine). For Editors, playing many maps simultaneously this is the only SP mod you need. ![]() /Some more on special features in Last Days you probably not seen elsewhere. Civilians do kind of validating variations between maps in LD as well, though its the same mod, not playing the same way. In Klogujev 2010 map (Warfare Module) active. Added Civilians acting like a faction, they do looting and gearing up like normal AI does. If they pick side or being hostile on all, can't tell. But they do participate actively in my build. If that has to do with Warfare or not can't tell. In other maps they (for now) acting like normal distancing civilians. There's something hitting you in almost every map you ain't familiar with. This is just another one that struck me now. Also if you like to try (Ambivalent Civilians) that is a kind of unstable module to use. Add a few civilians, or a group manually placing them. Then also add (Ambivalent Civilians) on full 100% to that. ![]() Remember doing this in Clafghan map before, and that seem to "trigger" each other to kick in, like that activate (AC) somehow. I can't use (AC) if not doing that in Clafghan (not showing up), with it does. Maybe that's the trick in all maps? How knows if that is why, worth a try any way if you want that to work properly./ /Hup! Yep, and that was in Clafghan DayZ (SPP), not in (LD). But you can use this method still, you rather get civilians either way. And both at same time don't cause any harm or interference, like invisible. The Last Days version of Clafghan loading (AC) same way as Warfare Module, a load bar. Not the case in (SPP) if I remember it right. And the outs and switch again, mission, DZAI, spawn_functions, (spawnBandit_intiliazing.sqf) out, think this is a must if you activating any modules, don't think these can coexist. You try if. Creating a Scenario/Map. Pull your Mission to your player profile in documents, launch the game, open the same map in Editor, load Last Days version. Add and make your changes, save, close the game. Open your map in documents, delete (mission.sqm) from missions. Then open the (%20) folder under your missions folder and drag your modified version of mission.sqm into missions, then pull missions back into Arma 2/OA Missions. Done! Repeating myself a bit I know, but if any newcomer happen to read this I think it is for the best repeating it. You remember on how hard understanding anything about Arma was in the beginning. And have to say, DaiZy Warfare Takistan do not act like this, creating Editor missions. Your Editor Save goes directly into missions. Just flip missions back from documents to Arma 2/OA Missions in that mod, ready to go. No extra folders in that one. And you can take DAPWILDGOGS and JTD_FatRain (PBO) files out if you like, anytime, even on a current save, then back again if you regret it. Taking (JTD_FatRain PBO) file out boost performance a bit. Helps in mods like Taviana and other heavy runners./ /The command typing on emptying and filling creates/containers. Example, Ammo Box (RU vehicle); clearweaponcargo this; clearmagazinecargo this; this addmagazinecargo ["ItemSandbag",650]; this addmagazinecargo ["ItemNails",250]; If you don't want to empty the crate, don't "clear" it, just "add" what you need. Also check (GBL) or (APR) items if you like to widen it further. Drop it in a mod like DaiZy Warfare Takistan through your MCC (3D) in game on the moment. ![]() /Only in Editor, and no usage. But kind of funny if you like to build deeper in assignments. Finding lost and missing "keys" etc. Can totally enrich that mod if you have the creativity to build a scenario outside fighting, sabotage or escorts. Why not try to add key items to an AI, that you have to find. Then eliminate or lead depending on who carrying it. Test that easy on a teammate in Editor to see if it works./ /Nope. No modified creates or units in DaiZy Warfare except the ordinary sandbags, nails etc. Have to do that kind of stuff in LD instead. In that one it could be a real challenge hiding and stuff people up with stuff. Much of this already in LD, but here's plenty of new cool things. Maybe you can give a Captain a pack of "dirty socks" in his backpack to carry. ![]() |
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