Edit Daizy Map

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Edit Daizy Map


I want to edit the Daizy Factionschenarus map i want to add some Npc bases and costume vilages is there a tutorial for the singleplayer.I search google and youtube for the tutorial but i finde it only for the multiplayer.I hope you guys can help me.

Sorry for my bad englisch.
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Re: Edit Daizy Map

I dunno about adding buildings (Above is more experienced in this matter), but adding a NPC base without scripting knowledge is gonna be tricky : you can't use the editor to add AIs on the map in DayZ... :/
You'll have to spawn them by running a script.
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Re: Edit Daizy Map

wow this is really challenging i have no idea how to script but i look in google for some tutorials  . can i edit with the editor some camp sides not Buildings like a litle base with sandbags and other stuff.maybe you can make a map you know more than me about scripts and dayz.the normal daizy is a bit boring some Npc bases to capture is fun.

again sorry for my bad english
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Re: Edit Daizy Map

In reply to this post by MackeKane
Mian Ayaz
Nice Post