The mission itself is old as dirt, and preceded any and all "dayZ mods" ...
because it was "old" when I bought Arma2 CO/OA ... I ignored it. However, I've been playing around with it a bit of late. Running it on "LAN" just fine as a Single player adventure ... though it does seem more like a Co-OP game mission ... I like it though. Things it lacks ... backpacks for one thing. I don't know how to get back packs for all units to work, or how to override the backpack inventory so some offer less slots, and some offer more capacity. It does lack a food/water system ... What it doesn't lack ... is challenge. The "infected" are somewhat glitchy ... some "spawns" are noticeably "bad" ( like a infected appearing right in your face ), but they are also hard as all get out , even if heavily armed! Infected run that stupid zig-zag pattern , and basically you must upper torso or head shot them. They can come at you in hordes ... and they are fast! Weapons and vehicles are relatively easy to find ... you can cut down on numbers, types, and make it more difficult if so choose, by the parameters. But, thats not gonna help all that much, especially playing alone lol. You can also find "base parts" just like "wasteland PvP" had in it ... load in vehicles, and set up fortifications. Some "bases" you need to construct well, cause the "infected" often just glitch/run right through walls ... So, no where is really "safe" on the map to be honest. Oh, and there are random included missions in it, and you can set up a random "occupied" town full of AI bandits to aimbot your head as well ... I thought , if the mission could be added to or modded just a bit ... it'd make a fine hard SP adventure , or a really great Co-OP or even some form of "RP-Co-OP" ... You can run it as a PvP between factions , with infected thats a real threat ... but I would think thats very ... anti-climatic to do myself ... it's not like, PvP really gains you anything ... but I suppose that option is there for those that insist PvP combat is what makes games fun. The bad part is, you can't really "save" progress ... every server restart , or game restart your starting over ... I like that in a way, but in other ways it's annoying ... I'd hate to be playing with friends for 6 hours, build up a base, get supplies , survive that long and a restart or crash ... brings it all down, and start over ... I don't really think it's map dependent ... or at least it claims not to be, as it' s a almost entirely scripted mission ... I'll play with that more later on. |
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