Debug Console, Scripting

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Debug Console, Scripting

Like the rest of you guys, I run into a lot of problems playing DayZ Sp. Bugs, glitches, odd behaviors, they abound -- not just in SP, but in DayZ as well. Because of the nature of the game, you can fix nearly ANYTHING logic-related in a running mission, even while you are playing. If you want to at least be able to mess around with your game, make sure you have a debug console installed. I use this one:

Usage instructions on the page above are sufficient. Now you can do pretty much anything. For starters, let's fix that bug where you are knocked out and your hearing doesn't come back... Put this in one of the Exec lines of the console and hit Exec:

5 fadeSound 1;

Sick of manually cycling loot? Instead of picking everything up and sticking it on a corpse, use this:

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [position player, ["WeaponHolder","WeaponHolderBase"], 20];

Want a hatchet? You could use the magic box or...

player addWeapon "ItemHatchet"

Manage to write a script and stick it in a "scripts" folder in your ArmA folder? Let's run it:

execVM "\scripts\my_awesome_script.sqf";

Or compile it into a function, pass it arguments and make note of the result:

My_Awesome_Result = ["I'm","Awesome"] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\scripts\awesome.sqf";

Check out errors in "home\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.RPT". There will be a lot of them.

Want to learn more about scripting and tools:

You can carry this far and do powerful things -- you can even patch DayZ's functions to fix/alter the mod from the mission without touching the files!

This is the path I took in starting to help with the Mod. I am a retired software engineer, so writing the code is easy, I just don't know diddly about ArmA. Still learning. Anyway, have fun, all! There are a few of us out there writing code for single player DayZ. I wonder if a coordinated effort will ever be possible.

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Re: Debug Console, Scripting

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [position player, ["WeaponHolder","WeaponHolderBase"], 20];

This script is very useful, but I want to know is there any more easy way to run? Because now I have to press Esc, then Enter, then Ctrl + 1, after i loot the building...

Can i set some shortcut keys?
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Re: Debug Console, Scripting

If you have a mouse or keyboard with custom keys, you could record a macro. Beyond that, I've got nothin'!
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Re: Debug Console, Scripting

zedhunter i have sent you an email can you please respond back, thanks
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Re: Debug Console, Scripting

nice post
