Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

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Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

Hi, I've been playing DoS for 1 day and so far, I haven't found a single roaming AI vehicle, not a helicopter or jeep or anything, just the Ai on the ground I've found. I even teleporting to big citys to see if other things spawn.  How do I check?
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Re: Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

Unfortunately, spawn triggers not setting off (in this case, vehicle/heli spawns) can be caused by many things. Teleporting places is known to cause issues if it happens to be inside a trigger, occasionally not being triggered. They may also only be set to spawn after an allocated time has passed. They may also be one-time spawns that, once destroyed, do not respawn.

One way to determine the cause is this:
Please upload your ArmA2 OA report file.

open an explorer window and type into the search bar: %appdata%
from there, navigate to Appdata\Local\ArmA 2 OA\
Place the ArmA2OA.rpt into a website such as or
reply with the link to the file here
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

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Re: Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

After looking at the contents of the mission and your .rpt, it doesn't actually look like anything is wrong.

Vehicles and helicopters seem to have a random spawn time, the max is 46000 seconds, or 12 hours (there are two sleep commands, one at the start of the script of 26000 seconds, and one at the end of the script of 20000 seconds). It also appears it only spawns one vehicle/helicopter.

You must have gotten an unlucky number roll and ended up with a significantly large number (4 or more hours). I don't know why the mission creator has set it to max of 12 hours (that's ridiculous!), but he has.

You'll need to restart the mission and hope for better luck, or just keep playing and wait for the eventual spawn of one.

Sorry I cannot help more. I didn't create the mission, so I can't change anything for you without permission.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Days Of Survival no heli patrols or ground patrols

For some reason all of my bluefor are spawning off the map at the bottom left.  Also, do you know where the helicopter triggers are?