I wont be making a "release" for this. So I will just drop the download link here and ye..
The reason I'm not making a release post for this is because, it doesn't feel like a complete mod. Zombies got human skin, some of the new vehicles are unkillable. Loot doesn't spawn in all buildings yet. So I will wait for them to upload something more complete. :-P
This release got the same AI as my other latest uploads, the changes (most likely all) from Oring 1.0.6.
It runs on
The new vehicle system, with the new vehicles (keep an eye out in the water, floating gyrocopters might spawn).
1. Download DayZCommander if you don't have it.
2. Download DayZ Oring.
3. Make a folder called @DaiZyOring. Make a folder inside of that called "Addons".
4. Copy everything from the DayZ Oring folder you downloaded to the addons folder inside "@DaiZyOring".
5. Then copy my dayz_code to the addons folder, and replace the original one.
6. Add the mission file to your mission folder inside your ArmA OA directory.
7. Make a new shortcut from your ArmA beta patch and add "-mod=@DaiZyOring" to your launch parameters.