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In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
I played around with most of these mods a couple of years ago and posted my method / experience with most of them at the time. However, those posts referred to the old RU-SP forums / sites which no longer exist - so many of the links may not work or have been updated - hence my advice to wait for Klaycus to confirm mod status or post fresh links - if the mod hasn't been updated then the original links are probably still good. As for this mod, like all the others, it is quite an achievement merging the plethora the mods involved into a cohesive whole - but if you are looking for the "classic" or "vanilla" Dayz Mod experience you're not going to find it here. |
In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
I watched a few russian videos on LoD , though I don't know what versions ... but it seems more based on Origins building , than it does epoch ...
One I seen the mixer and wheelbarrow ( cart) being used. Patching up a house is "ok" of course ... but the drawback is, zombie swill spawn around it ... so if you log out in your "house" of course, by the time you load back in, zombie eat you before fully loaded up. ---------------- Epoch's building system was very "modular" , it wasn't too complex , but required certain materials, certain tools , and time/patience ... But you could construct big elaborate structures or small simple ones ... it had some limits of course, but not too bad. ------------------- Origins construction, seemed to need more things for very simple level one houses ... Lots of tools, lots of materials , and construction blueprints ... ------------------------ I'm not sure because I hadn't played vanillia dayz much, when I did base building was removed ... But I think vanillia construction was basically tall walls, and gate, maybe a tower on the wall ... if you upgraded it enough. Mostly a "fort-like fence", to put your tents and lock your vehicles behind ... |
Second look ...
Now it's fixed, I'm liking it ... (My FPS has jumped up from 15-20, which is great for me on Cherno, best I think it's ever been just shy of an empty editor preview. ) Found an Ai buddy , not the one calling on the radio ... but he got stuck on a tree at klen mountain , not sure if he will follow me or not now. I'm finding all sorts of broken tools, is there a repair kit? I've also found many tools, they don't seem to have a function atm, but have not found a toolbox. I think it's cool , you can mod the weapons if you find the correct parts I am guessing. I spawned right up near NE Airfield, so I'm good on weapons atm ... good on food and drink ( I found water tablets, but no seeming way to use them? ) ... I am going to roam down to berizino I think, see what I can see there. |
Some of the zombies do need head-shots , and the ones with helmets and Evo suits ... need a few good head-shots to drop, just so ya know. I found body armor ... it says helps protect torso from shots and zombie bites. I dunno if thats the case yet or not, but neat feature. I also found a big water container ... You can fill it, and then fill water bottles from it while traveling ... thats pretty cool. I hadn't found an axe yet , but found a zippo lighter ... I am wondering if I can make fires using it? ( One thing I always asked dayZ devs , was why you couldn't ever find lighters ... didn't anyone in Chernorussia smoke? Why can't you start fires with flares? make a fire-bow? ... it never made sense, just matches in my eyes, so I am happy now. ) I don't mean to put a bunch of spoilers here ... but so far, now I fixed my download ... I'm more impressed by this one, than I was Origins Lite SP. I can't wait to find a vehicle, and more tools ... and decide on where to put me a base at ... I'm thinking I might go to Berizino see what I can find there, then make my way over to Stary/Novy Sobor area ... I'm considering the fields up north of Stary where i'd put my "base"/Main camp at ... it's not quite "center of the map" , but close and it doesn't take too long getting anywhere else from there. I also found a "notebook" , I need a radio and go near a radio tower to get it to work, but thats gonna be cool feature I can tell already! i'm generally excited to see where this one goes ... I also discovered it's very "re-playable" ... if desired. In the first menu ... you can turn on/off many features ... if you don't want zombies, just AI you can do that ... Or control how many zombies, and what kinds ... I know Origins Lite had some of that, but no way to make no zeds on it if I remember correctly ... I like that , because I can kind of customize my experience more, depending on how I feel, and want to deal with. I hadn't ran into any bloodsuckers yet ... I hope I never do, lol. Too bad, non of the Multi-Player DayZ mods were this custom, and this well modded ... Sounds are different because of JRS sounds mods ... I'm not used to that myself. But nice. Rain sounds fantastic! Finally!!!! And I didn't drop FPS while it rained!!!!! First time EVER! |
I forget what town it was, off hand ... but I did find a "mini-car" , it had two busted wheels and needed work.
I went and looked up the mod , seen video on what vehicles were included .... OMG! COOL! I can't decide what I'd more ... lol. So many cool vehicle models to have ... I doubt they all spawn in the mission though ( at least on my settings) , but I'm hoping to find/discover a few more non-standard vehicles!!! I kind a dig the small "hippy vans" hahahaha! Jeeps with no tops ... dunebuggies!!!! Just pure awesomeness! |
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In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
epoch construction example
Rach , thats a kind of bad example, but definately epoch constructed base ... they look crappy usually, but very modular and functional. This one is badly built ... cracks and seams where corners are can be shot through, or glitched through. It's good he took sandbags went around the upper parameter ... he got some off his wood parts ( window areas) mis-aligned, it'd work just looks bad and rushed. Bad part I see for online Epoch, is he has a high hill over-looking the base ... means a sniper or LMG gunner could sit on that hill, and wreck him for days ... What happens when you don't upkeep In Epoch, every so often ( how ever it's scripted) ... you gotta pay "upkeep" , or parts start dissapearing ... this is probably what this guy found here ... a clan built a big base , stopped playing or went to another server ... and the big bass is deteriorating. not too bad A bit big of a base in my eyes, but it's well constructed at least. This is usual fashion , mostly concrete walls , metal roofs. Another example This one is probably a "starting out" building group. It's not great, but not bad either. I showed it cause it was a combo of wood and concrete. |
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
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Stuff I need right now :
A handle for sledgehammer , I have ahead ... A grind stone - so I can sharpen my knife. A hose , to siphon fuel from tanks. Also, kinda need instructions on how to use the toolbox ... It says I'm missing sledgehammer , I am assuming once I get all the tools, it'll pack into a useable toolbox. -------------------------------- Rachel, it looks like a combo of Origins building and Epoch construction. With a few extras added in I think. I found some canvas and old rope, I get an option to make a tent, but my knife is blunt ... so can't yet. --------------------------- I found a buldozer , just needs fuel ... nearby, I found a nice JEEP! ( all near berizino) ... the jeep needs everything repaired, *sigh* ... If I could siphon fuel from tanks, I'd take the bulldozer for now, it' slow ... but it'll help store gear ( i'm running out of room ) until I'm able to craft up some things, like a tent. |
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