DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

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DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

Ive got a problem with the optional files, i dont know where to install them! In which folder should i put them? I want the old hack console to spawn vehicles, weapons, heal, teleport etc...
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Re: DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

Go here and download and follow the instructions

put the Optional mission of your choice in the arma2 OA missions folder

you need DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 2.6.1 and the Optional Files if you want to use the Optional Files
if you want to use the dayz_code (multi).pbo just rename to delete the word (multi)
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Re: DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

So where do I put the optional files?
These ones:
DaiZyFactions2.6.1[Cheats][Bandit Edition].Chernarus.pbo
What do I do with them?
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Re: DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

just put which ever one you want to use in your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Missions folder. they are separate mission pbo files. about about adding other cheats i don't know how.

for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Missions folder (if you are using the steam version).
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Re: DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

if you want to open or extract the pbo file use something like PBOManager v.1.4 beta

 DaiZyFactions2.6.1[Cheats][Bandit Edition].Chernarus.pbo

already have cheats but no teleport
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Re: DayZ Factions 1.7.7 Optional Files

Thanks a lot guys!  :D now lets play!