Day/night cycle

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Day/night cycle

Anyone know how to edit it?
Because clouds skipping every second is getting really annoying, I have to max my overcast just so I don't see the environment skipping. <.<
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Re: Day/night cycle

Remove those lines from init.sqf in mission folder you downloaded

// Niceonegunit
[4.3] execVM "scripts\compile\fn_accelratedTime.sqf";
find_time = 30;
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Re: Day/night cycle

This post was updated on .
Found it, but when I remove it the game gives me an error.
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Re: Day/night cycle

Like "Time cycle not found"?
Don't mind, you should still be able to play without any troubles.
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Re: Day/night cycle

No, it crashed my entire game if I loaded up the DaiZy launcher lol.
I just deleted the script from the entire game, not the // Niceonegunit section or it told me that lines of data were missing, and shut down the game.