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![]() Hey guys and gals, I'm throwing out a little thread for you guys, which will contain several topics such as Bugs, maps, features, suggestions and more! SECTION ONE: Maps This is where I will post the results of maptesting. If you want to test with me, crack open ye' ol' DaiZy mediafire and download the map of your choice from the v042b folder. You will likely need to download addons for the custom ones, for example Lingor or Lolonaia. Just google 'em and download 'em. Play it for awhile, test loot spawns, going into cities, how bandits AI reacts, test bandit/survivors spawns, and anything you feel you need to test. Working Maps: Chernarus - Do I really need to explain this one? Panthera Island - Amazing lush forest map with plenty of cities and airfields. Bandits spawn correctly. Survivors spawn correctly. Loot spawns correctly. Zombies spawn correctly. Spawns working as intended. FDF Podagorsk - Straight up incredible map. Similar forestry style as Chernarus, much better than chernarus overall. Bandits spawn correctly. Survivors not confirmed. Zombies spawn correctly. Loot spawns correctly. Spawns working as intended. Map is incorrectly named and will appear in the menu as DaiZyv042.Isladuala . Lingor Island - The island you all know and love. Bandits spawn correctly. Survivors spawn correctly. Zombies spawn correctly. Loot spawns correctly. Spawns working as intended. Takistan - Good ol' fashion Takistan. Bandits spawn correctly. Survivors spawn correctly. Zombies spawn correctly. Loot spawns correctly. Spawn working as intended. Spawn Airfield has a well known bug in which loot does not spawn at the airfield buildings. Partially working maps: These maps are playble but some features do not work correctly/at all. Proving Grounds - This is a map already included in ArmA 2. Bandits spawn correctly. Survivors spawn correctly. Zombies do not spawn correctly. Loot does not spawn correctly. Spawns working as intended. Broken maps: These are maps that fail to work at all/barely work Lolo Nai'a - Vehicle wrecks and military camp from the Balota airstrip in Chernarus appear out in the ocean for no appearent reason, floating above the ocean. Zombies spawn at the camp in the sea but fall into the water and subsequently drown. Bandits do not work. Survivors do not work. Loot does not work. SECTION TWO: Known bugs This is the section in which bugs will be placed. If you find any, post down below with the bug and I'll add it here. Minor bugs: Bugs that aren't very noticeable and/or aren't harmful. (1)Sometimes, zombies appear for a split second inside/outside buildings, sometimes hitting you before vanishing. Bugs: These are bugs that are generally harmful. (1) Survivors do not shoot bandits. They refuse to shoot anything but zombies, subsequently ending in their demise. (2) Survivors spawn in combat stance, meaning they will lay down/duck behind cover and remain very alert. They will then refuse to follow you until you change the stance. (3) Players start with a bandage, but cannot use it as all visible slots are taken up by pistol ammunition. You can only use the bandage by dropping/using one magazine of ammo. (4) The FDF Isle map is incorrectly named and will appear in the menu as DaiZyv042.Isladuala Major bugs: These bugs are game-breaking and/or serious bugs. (1) Survivors, bandits and even you do not spawn with any weapon but four different pistols. The M1911, G17, Makarov PM, and the Revolver. They also only have a coyote backpack, map, and binoculars. (2)(FIXED) Tents do not spawn at all. (3) Bandits often only notice you at a very close range. (4)(RARE) An extremely rare bug, in which spawning causes you to immediately die. (5)(GAME-BREAKING) The HUD fails to work after loading a save. This cannot be fixed and you'll have to restart to get the HUD back. (6)(LAN) Survivors, bandits, tents, vehicles and other things do not spawn at all. (7)(LAN) The host WILL experience EXTREME LAG if more than three players are present. This is unavoidable, good computer or not. SECTION THREE : Suggestions galore! This right here is the archive of our suggestions, simply post a suggestion below and it will be added. (1)Niceonegunit: Bandits should spawn with typical bandit weapons, AKMs, DMRs, Kobras, Winchesters, Lee enfields ETC. the weapons you'd commonly find on bandits if you play normal DayZ. (2)Niceonegunit: Survivors should spawn with fairly low-tier weapons, such as lee enfields, winchesters, double-barrels ETC. and should also have water and food in their inventory (3)Niceonegunit: A new map, Mana Island Fiji, this is a beautiful looking tropical island with buildings, airfields ETC. with a similar size to Utes. maybe smaller. You can find it here: SECTION FOUR: Secret/not well known features Here is where you'll find a list of known secret/unknown features. -Bandits typically spawn in cities, but also randomly spawn on the map to their own accord. For example, I was in cherno and I noticed a bandit had spawned all the way over in Kamenka. -I discovered coding for a Jason Voorhees unit back in .38b. I do not know if it is still in v042. -Bandits and survivors seem to work on nearly every map, due to the new coding that causes them to randomly spawn to their own accord. SECTION FIVE: Upcoming versions and features! I'm sure you are all anxious about the up and coming versions, but who wouldn't be? UPCOMING RELEASE: v043 POSSIBLE FEATURES: - Paintable vehicles, or perhaps new vehicles. - Working LAN mode. - New player models such as civilians, pilots and more! - Armoured vehicles such as Russian Tanks! (Probably only available through cheats!) - Spawnable tanks, MG nests, Barracks, and more misc items! - Spawnable russian soldiers and Press. - AI can drive/get in vehicles! - Radio given to player at start!(And maybe a little something something for you at Green Mountain *wink*) - Turn yourself into dogs, sheep, goats, and even zombies! - New boats! - Spawnable C-130, jets, helicopters and more! - Driveable UAVs!
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
Must say the 0.42b fixed most of the issues from 0.42a like the church survivor glitch and the event pop ups. Its much better running into vehicles, bandits and survivors than the text telling you they are close. Also its good to see the smoke from a distance from the crashed heli instead of the popup.
I've just testing out Takistan and had a few problems. I spawned at the airfield (lucky) and heard shots from snipers after 2 minutes. I checked the military loot places like the barracks and the watch tower but didnt find any loot. I thought this was because i spawned close to them so I ran to the next village where I saw zombies spawning and regular loot in houses. I then ran back to the airfield but noticed that no zombies had spawned and there was no loot in the military spawns. I'm not sure if this is a Takistan issues as I haven't played it that much but its a shame if military loot doesn't spawn. I'm now downloading Lingor again as I was getting an error when trying to launch it, something about weapons being dependant on equipment. I'll also give Fallujah a try as I have the dayz files for that. |
I think the airfield has some sort of special properties connected to it because it is from the campaign.
Thus, no loot spawns in them, because they are separate buildings, practically copies, only with a different color.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Updated information!
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
I don't really have anything to add, but this is a great thread. Excellent work, niceonegunit.
This is especially obvious in the tented military/medical camp by Stary Sobor. It happens in the multiplayer too. |
Hmm, strange.
I've seen it a couple times in multiplayer but it was very subtile. It seems to happy a lot in DaiZy, sometimes they hit you once or twice or don't disappear.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
This post was updated on .
iv seen that same thing happen alot when playing online just as you described but that was a few versions ago havnt seen it happen online in a whille.
and i also have had time in tavi [taviana] so here is my analysis MAJOR BUG cant climb ladderes or open gates or do any functions of that sort close open doors ect. zombies seem fine so far no major issues iv noticed vehicles spawn i think i could be mistaken though i have played alot of different maps lately bandits spawn loot still only spawns in normal chernarus buildings no sign of survivors and havnt seen tents yet either will try to test these asap and iv been jumping around from map to map testing here and there and seems that most of your normal functions are working properly for most maps |
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
I would like to give a suggestion in single player version, but it is not necessary in multiplayer.
It is the loot despawn time, in SP, you have to clean the whole building in order to let the loot respawn, I think it is very inconvenience, so mostly I use magic box instead of cleaning every single building. I think it would be better if the loot will be despawn in a short period of time after player get into the building, for example 10mins, then player can go to search another buildings and come back later, new loot spawn again. It can more encourage the new player (like me) to experience loot searching but not using magic box, because it takes long time to clean every single building that you have entered in. Well, lastly, I don't know it is possible to make that change, so it is just a small and little suggestion:) |
Think about that for a second Magicka, that would severely damage the flow and realism of the game.
Realistically, if you go into a building a second time, the stuff that was there would still be there. It'd make the game far far too easy.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Cannot command survivors
only can after a load and for the HUD problem after load i use 2 dayz_code.pbo in the DaiZy+ folder one is the new one the other one is old one which contain the hud fix and it works just fine the spawns and all and survivors doesn't pick up ammo and weapons on the ground unless you're using COWarMod cause AI Overhaul is include in it Note to Unknown: if its not much of a trouble, can you add spawning items can load custom content or if not all of the content in the arma 2 folder, vehicles, weapons and such. I wanna test custom weapons and vehicles in DayZ environment so i can use it when LAN is stable For reference you can take a look at Kronzky's "Cheat Module" Oh, i know its gonna be hard but... Can you seperate the character save and world save? so i can restart the character without making the world/map reset or reset world but not character or even jump between maps |
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Hey I love the single player mod but a few problems! I downloaded this two days ago and im sure i got the 42.b maps but The new features you mentioned dont seem to be there. Such as bandits only have pistols and I cant find any cars! I have tried playing all the major maps includeing chernaus Thanks anyway for the mod!
Couple of issues after lengthy playing time.
1. if you are rendered unconscious during combat or when your health drops below a certain level that your hearing is muted, eating cooked meat restores your health as visible by the color restoration on screen, but your hearing does not come back. I have to reload a previous save. It only happens if my health drops to that point though when your hearing fades. Restarting or Reloading does not appear to fix this... 2. Bandits seem to have stopped spawning after several hours, even though I get the bandit "warning messages" I have only encountered one and that was standing around doing nothing. This is with the most current release, files uptodate Arma2/beta patches etc... I havent found a tent yet anywhere... (although that may be just bad luck, i just cant confirm it) |
Hi, great thread. I wanted to add there's a problem with survivors. Once they team up with you they start shooting zombies etc. They don't shoot zombies after a while at all... Not talking about bandits, they totally ignore them.
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Just thought i would post this here, it fixes the problem with the UI not showing food and water with the debug monitor on. |
In reply to this post by Pierry
That's the ArmA 2 AI unfortunately. When AI is custom coded to attack certain things that the aren't meant to shoot, their ability to do anything correctly just goes out the window. Once they spot a zombie, it automatically issues an attack command on them, which basically causes them to stop doing everything and shoot. Not shooting bandits, I really don't know what the problem is with that, it is an issue in the standard single-player DaiZy.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Anonymous
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it right away!
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
I see, I just don't get why aren't the zeds marked as enemies from the start of the mission. The system in .38b was pretty good excluding the loot bug with it.
Also, sorry for double post but I forgot to add. They don't shoot at all. They're just following me around while zombies are chasing me. And as I said, they ignore the bandits as well.
In reply to this post by Pierry
You can't issue an attack order to units that haven't even spawned yet. This is how ArmA 2 works and there is nothing that can be done.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
After very very very prolonged play (around 800+ zombies killed and around 35% of the map explored @lingor)
the game start's to get very choppy/laggy (no matter how good your computer is) save and load or not, this is because the game has to handle larger and larger data as time passes. this can be seen in your save file located in your My Documents Arma2 folder if it exceeds 50MB per file your save is probably gonna start to lag Note to Unknown: About the separating character save file with the world save file... You can try just coding saving and loading current inventory in the current character so then we can just restart the world and load the inventory back |
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