DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

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Re: DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

Mr. 'funny'
ya were going to need a central server or something. Ive seen some severs that offer playability without a CDKEY requirement, global chat has been reinserted, etc... Its a work in progress. For myself everytime I reload my LAN character the game wont load properly. I still want 43 to be released before a real LAN thing is set up. I'm going to dig around for some files tonight. I remember seeing a cracked server somewhere on the net. Might be able to set something up for us 'funny' users.
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Re: DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

Mr. 'funny'

dl file, change dayz_code.pbo, funny server run by ericprince811, works if he's running a server (name of game is usually is ericprice811.
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Re: DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

Not sure if I should try the server.
LAN is pretty much normal DayZ, no bandits or survivors, just players.

Maybe it's good to you pirates (tsk tsk), but not to me.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

Mr. 'funny'
Its for funny users primarily :)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042b - LAN Server - Tunngle test

Anyone still working on a DaizY MP mission file? or LAN perhaps, also If needed I could host, intel i7 and 8gigs of ram should easily handle quite a few people.