Creating Custom Maps

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Creating Custom Maps

I wouldnt mind getting into creating my own custom maps to share with you all aswell as addons and custom DaiZy storylined missions...the problem is I dont know where to start, any ideas? and i have never worked with Arma II before so a good heads up, tips and tricks wouldnt go astray either. Maybe even a tutorial or two to get started with the basics :)

(I want to become a games designer/developer and couldnt think of a better place to start)
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Re: Creating Custom Maps

The BI forums are like Google for creating ArmA related stuff. I would suggest that. I'm just starting to touch the surface of creating a map now aswell. I hope this helps.
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Re: Creating Custom Maps

Cool thanks, Ill let you know how I go :)
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Re: Creating Custom Maps

Awesome! Good luck! :)