Cowar recommended-question

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Cowar recommended-question

I see alot fo the maps reccomend cowarmod. How do i enable this with the ai features? the documentation is rather confusing. When i do run it i dont see a difference with land tex enabled which leads me to believe it isnt working. i run the command line it shows with factions added properly etc
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Re: Cowar recommended-question

A Hobo Panda
beastxjason wrote
I see alot fo the maps reccomend cowarmod. How do i enable this with the ai features? the documentation is rather confusing. When i do run it i dont see a difference with land tex enabled which leads me to believe it isnt working. i run the command line it shows with factions added properly etc
Ok, so, I noticed on BreakingPoint(?) that you posted about having a no-cheats mission for your son? If so, and you want some addons to make it easier for your son to play, I recommend my list on addons from the COWarMod. The addons I use make the game a whole lot easier, so it'd be perfect for him.

On the other hand, if it's just for you, then I might be able to provide some help over Skype? :)
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.