Construction Manager Script

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Construction Manager Script


I have spent a good portion of a week trying to get this thing to work, and finally i have figured it out- so, i would like to share this so that others can use it and improve on it.

First thing first, you need this:

then, in your Arma 2 root you need to create a folder called "scripts"

now you need to make two files in that folder, coininit.sqf and coinvars.sqf

put the following in coininit.sqf (everything inside the ########s)
Side_MyCOIN = createCenter west;

null = [] spawn
        deleteVehicle MyCOIN;
        sleep 5;
        deleteGroup group_MyCOIN;
        sleep 5;
        group_MyCOIN = createGroup west;  
        "ConstructionManager" createUnit [getPos player, group_MyCOIN, "MyCOIN = this;"];
        MyCOIN synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];
        null = [MyCOIN,player] execVM "\scripts\coinvars.sqf";

next place all this is coinvars.sqf (everything inside the ###########s)
//credit to Moach Mayhem for code and layout. I added line descriptions and items to make
//basic Base Construction and allow other to build more into this.

//Place Construction Interface(COIN) Module on Map. In its init
//put        _naught = [this, player] execVM "coinvars.sqf"
//then synchronize each player to the COIN module placed on map

fieldSupplies = 5000; //set to 0 and make cost below 0 for all free

_builder = _this select 1; //player
_module = _this select 0;  //this

_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_name", "Construction"];
_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_funds", "fieldSupplies"];
_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsdescription", "$"]; // you can use any symbol $, Euro
                                             // your list of categories you want player to see
_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_categories", ["Base Assets","Barriers","Light Vehicles", "Armour","Static Weapons"]];
_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_areaSize", [100, 50]]; //distance radius around construction zone

_gearArray = [];
   //Base Assets
                   //"CLASS","Categories","Cost","Your Desciption"  ** Cost 0 = free
_gearArray set [0, ["USMC_WarfareBBarracks","Base Assets",0,"Barracks"]];
_gearArray set [1, ["Land_fortified_nest_big","Base Assets",0,"Fortified Nest"]];
_gearArray set [2, ["Land_Fortified_nest_small","Base Assets",0,"Sandbag Nest"]];
_gearArray set [3, ["MASH","Base Assets",0,"Mash Tent"]];
_gearArray set [4, ["USMC_WarfareBMGNest_M240","Base Assets",0,"MG Nest"]];
_gearArray set [5, ["Land_Fort_Watchtower","Barriers",0,"Fort Tower"]];
_gearArray set [6, ["Hhedgehog_concrete","Barriers",0,"Concrete Tank Barriers"]];
_gearArray set [7, ["Land_fort_bagfence_round","Barriers",0,"Sandbag Circle"]];
_gearArray set [8, ["smallbase","Barriers",0,"Small Compound"]]; //doesn't work
_gearArray set [9, ["tankDitch2_cdf","Barriers",0,"Tank Compound"]]; //doesn't work
_gearArray set [10, ["M1A2_Tusk_MG","Armour",0,"M1A2 Tusk"]];
_gearArray set [11, ["MLRS","Armour",0,"MLRS Rocket Tank"]];
_gearArray set [12, ["M6_EP1","Armour",0,"M6 Tank"]];
_gearArray set [13, ["M2A3_EP1","Armour",0,"M2A3 TOW"]];
   //Light Vehicles
_gearArray set [14, ["LAV25","Light Vehicles",0,"LAV25"]];
_gearArray set [15, ["M1126_ICV_M2_EP1","Light Vehicles",0,"Stryker M2"]];
_gearArray set [16, ["HMMWV_M2","Light Vehicles",0,"HMMWV M2"]];
_gearArray set [17, ["HMMWV_MK19","Light Vehicles",0,"HMMWV MK19"]];
   //Static Weapons
_gearArray set [18, ["M119","Static Weapons",0,"M119 Canon"]];
_gearArray set [19, ["MK19_Tripod","Static Weapons",0,"MK19 Grenade Gun"]];
_gearArray set [20, ["2b14_82mm","Static Weapons",0,"82mm Mortors"]];

_module setVariable ["BIS_COIN_items", _gearArray];

alright, now in game use the debug menu and type the following into an exec line:

coin = [] execVM "\scripts\coininit.sqf";

wait 30 seconds and there ya go, construction.

Someone please improve on this and make this tutorial easier~
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Re: Construction Manager Script

You might have the execute the EXEC line in the debugger more than once for items to appear in the construction thing.

If you can't exit the construction thing, use Y to switch to another team member, then back.

Other than that everything should be okay.