Chernarus retexture project.

80 MORE PREVEIW IMG's im making a bit of a comeback i guess got an urge to mod and came up with this so far.
Welcome to the chernarus retexture project. iv done about 90% of what i want to do now with the retextures but as of an overall feel in the map i have most buildings and furniture and objects retextured so far ill just say it feels like a whole new cherno to me now. i have also used quite alot of the standalone textures aswell but also made them just a bit grungier and more appocalyptic feeling.
there are also quite a few newly opened buildnigs from dayz origins aswell as dayzero.and note that the few buildings from taviana do require the taviana map files to be ran for a few textures in the newly added buildings.
1:just drag the folder @chernarus_retextured to your arma 2 directory from here launch the mod folder with any SP release of your choosing using either launch parameters for the mod folder or using a launcher of your choice.
NOTE taviana map files must be ran also because the opened building models from origins require them for a few textures. im working on making the file with just those few textures in it so that all the taviana map files are not needed.
Roadmap %'s
enterable buildings 95%
non-enterable 85%
interiors 95%
furniture 95%
bump maps just started 1%
bump maps are to make the texture feel more 3 deminsional which SA hasnt even done with a few of their new textures. ill post some examples below you can see cracks actually look like 3d cracks on the texture all 3d details in the textures will now have the right bump maps and lighting effect to make the textures feel even more realistic.

credits to
standalone for a few textures that i have modified
origins for the enterable models of about 6 new buildings
dayzero for their incredible enterable models
and everyone here at the SP forums keeping the SP mod alive.