Can anyone help?

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Can anyone help?

I tried a lot of DaiZy versions, but I can't seem to find 1 that I like. Can anybody send me a link to 1 that is DaiZy with AI Bandits that shoot at you, has regular loot around the map, zombies, vehicles and a decent cheat list when you press "00". I also don't want any teammates or friendlies spawning in. If possible, I was wondering if "Krixes' Self Bloodbag Script" could be included?
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Re: Can anyone help?

Well. The closest mission to that is version by Above. Goto the BreakingPoint topic and scroll till you see Old or smth.
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Re: Can anyone help?

Ray wrote
Well. The closest mission to that is version by Above. Goto the BreakingPoint topic and scroll till you see Old or smth.
I also have an update for, with most of the changes I'll make for Napf. I've prepared everything except the modded guns.

The only problem now are the backpacks, though. The slots range from 12-80. I will use my own backpack slots in Napf, just less OP. Depending on what you guys think too, I'm fine with 80 on a really rare backpack (the "mega" or "RPG" pack).

But yes, that version got Origins vehicles spawning, Origins zombies + Fedus's zombies. I could post a link here just for you guys to try out, and whoever else finds it.

I'll most likely also make a Napf release for chernarus once I've released the Napf project. (Aswell as the regular 1.7.7 chernarus, of course).
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Re: Can anyone help?

Ya, a test version would be nice. Good to hear that your project is doing well.
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Re: Can anyone help?

Ray wrote
Ya, a test version would be nice. Good to hear that your project is doing well.

I will see if we get 1.7.7 soon enough. I'll just give it a bit more.